Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When planning to start a new business, one of the first questions you ask yourself (and hopefully your accountant) is at what point are you going to start making money. One simple way to determine this is to calculate the breakeven point, which is the point at which your sales (revenues) equal yo Read More
The Sept. 1 editorial "On better terms" conceded that overall interest rates have risen on credit cards after the passage of the Credit CARD Act and that the limits on credit that have resulted may be slowing economic growth. It concluded, however, that these drawbacks are tolerable because "the co Read More
Once you have a potential investor excited about your team, your product, and your company, the investor will inevitably ask “What is your company’s valuation?” Many entrepreneurs stumble at this point, losing the deal or most of their ownership, by having no answer, playing coy, or quoting an exor Read More
Starting a blog can seem like a daunting exercise better left for another day. With increasing importance being placed on the commercial value of a blog, it's better not to leave it too long. Read this post for 7 tips to help you get started blogging. Read More

The Secrets to Writing Good Content for the Web

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From http://bloggertone.com 5126 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on September 8, 2010 4:40 pm
When thinking about updating or creating a website, the first thing most business owners do is consult with a web designer. While this is advisable as good design attracts the eye, the business owner must not forget the words that are used on a website. Read More
While leading a web team at a big company in Milwaukee, Nate St. Pierre participated in a leadership workshop. One of the questions was “Next year, I will…", and Nate wrote down “change the world.” Now he's turned the idea into a business called ItStartsWith.Us.

How is Nate now making a busine Read More
Today we want to give attention to one route to starting your own business that circumvents many of the typical barriers to launch. Starting your own website and living the “internet lifestyle” can be a quick and relatively cheap way to go into business for yourself. The pros and cons of this form Read More
As a former manager at a Waffle House, I cannot relate to most expert management and leadership advice . "Align your staff with your company’s mission and strategy.” Heck, I never even knew what Waffle House’s mission was. The only ‘mission’ I knew: Make your store more profitable than it was last Read More
By integrating Net-Results marketing automation into his clients’ sales and marketing strategies, Andrew has zeroed in on a scalable way to treat each prospect uniquely, and customize communications based on an individual’s behavior and actions. Read More
I finally understood what relationship I would have with SEO in the future. SEO is not a tool to build blogs. SEO is a tool to market a blog. You can’t imagine the freedom I felt when I realized that I can blog how I want without worrying about the thousands of different SEO tricks. Read More

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