Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Top 5 things really depend on the business and situation you are trying to address. I will try to keep it more generic and broad.

Implement analytics on your site, even if it is basic site. If you are budget constrained, there are relatively functional web analytics tools in market for free. So Read More
Do you use the sidebar space on your website? If not you’re missing a huge opportunity to show off more of your company and you know that people are looking for those sidebar features. I would not want be the one missing out on some of these critical elements on my website because then my website m Read More
As consumers have greater control, businesses face the challenge of transparency and consistency. Transparency means that any and every aspect of business operations and consumer interactions can (and will) be put under the microscope at any time. So, how can a company build and keep customer loyal Read More
Marketing podcast with Sarah Petty (Click to play or right click and “Save As” to download – Subscribe now via iTunes

Sarah PettyThe term boutique is often associated with fashion or beauty related businesses, but it’s a concept that can apply to any business. Case in point is this week’s guest Read More
When you're starting a startup, there are a lot of people who will get you excited by the myriads of ways they can help you, and make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. Ignore these people!

Ultimately, the only person who can make your startup success full is YOU - here's why, based on what I Read More
The intentions of small business owners vary tremendously; some entrepreneurs want to conquer the world, building a global brand, where as others want to run their business in a way that allows their family to live comfortably, while working on something that they love. Whether the aim of your busi Read More
With the continued evolution and expansion of the green movement, many companies are facing increased pressure from their business partners, vendors and their supply chain to provide meaningful data about the environmental impact of their products and services. While some businesses have reacted to Read More
As much as I would love to think that you are reading this sentence because you saw that the post was written by me and you went ‘ oh totally wicked dude– I love Alex’s stuff’ I know this is not the case. 1:) because you are not a Ninja Turtle (really, does anyone speak like that?), and 2:) becaus Read More
Conscious business expert and co-founder of Intention Products LLC and BrandU®, W. Vito Montone, shares 10 ways you can improve your business, community and the planet.

Conscious Business or Capitalism is about balancing the 3 "Ps" - people (your team, investors, vendors and customers), profit Read More

Small Biz Stories: Michelle's Story: Kids Decor Inc.

Avatar Posted by smallbizstories under Startups
From http://www.smallbizstories.org 5132 days ago
Made Hot by: 9devon9 on September 2, 2010 6:44 pm
Today's story comes to us from Michelle Miller, owner of Kids Decor Inc. A mom and former medical professional, Michelle discovered a renewed confidence after realizing that what she thought were professional drawbacks could actually be assets. Though it can be a challenging and unfamiliar task, re Read More

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