Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

www.araretama.com. br A native of Brazil, Sandra Epstein is an educator, entrepreneur, researcher and artist with a profound connection to the natural world.... Read More
Today's post is about one of the most popular art movements of the Modern Era: Pop Art. This movement arose from a rebellion against Abstract Expressionists, that was considered by the Pop Art artists as pretentious and over-intense. Read More
Bad attitudes abound in business. People are unhappy, unfulfilled, inflexible, stuck, and just not right with the world. It can become so bad that the workplace can become toxic. So, what do you do if you are working with someone... Read More
Business Networking Term Limits People have gone to great lengths to come up with new, fresh, different terms to describe their version of business networking and to differentiate themselves in the marketplace of authors, speakers, and consultants.They want to distance themselves from the term, Netw... Read More
After having to lay off some of her employees (after assuring them she wouldn't), CEO Gini Dietrich faced months of not knowing whether or not she'd be able to make payroll. Today, her company Arment Dietrich is one of the most respected and trusted companies in their industry, and times are good. Read More
In order to get outstanding results in your business, it’s important to be practical, stay focused and avoid distractions. In this post, I take a look at a very common type of distraction that affects business owners: the opportunities in your business! Read More
www.sherigreenwell.wordpress.com Sheri Greenwell has over twenty-five years' experience in business in a wide range of roles in diverse industries. As direct... Read More

Audio or Video Podcasts?

Avatar Posted by hishaman under Marketing
From http://www.famousbloggers.net 5133 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on September 2, 2010 6:09 am
Yet why is it that so many of us are using the video format when we should rely on the audio format?

These are the factors you should consider when you decide between creating a video or audio podcast Read More
It’s up to you to figure out how you want to use your time tracking down time sinks and turning them into more productive opportunities. Read More
37signals' tools are very popular choices, but I also received several responses from startups that started with Basecamp, but made the decision to switch to something else. So in this list I’ll share three less-commonly used tools that different startups have chosen to use to collaborate. Read More

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