Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are a few points, the loans lender will be looking at, when he is contemplating providing you small business loans. A lender will be paying attention on your education, experience, business plan and its feasibility. Other things that are crucial are repaying ability, credit history, equity, p Read More
As the economy continues to tank so do the number of Americans without health insurance-and the number small business owners who can afford to Read More
If you're forgettable you might as well be invisible. That's what I learned from Rod Serling. You can make your marketing, branding and messages more memorable and motivating. Take customers to the Twilight Zone and become "unforgettable!" Read More
Data show that small firms added just 26,000 jobs in August. The president chastises Republicans for holding up legislation that would restore funding for loans to small businesses and provide other relief. Read More
Recent and ongoing developments of semantic search, are allowing the search engines to deliver more relevant search results, which in turn, means more targeted users visiting a site. An effective conversion program can then increase sales dramatically, at a much lower cost per user for the site own Read More
The latest report from ComScore, entitled “Women on the Web: How Women Are Shaping the Internet” examines the gender differences in internet habits Read More
Amanda Sudimack has been preparing to launch her company Wedobo.com for 11 years, as long as she's been in the wedding industry. She recently launched her wedding deals site Wedobo.com and I caught up with her to discover what she's learned in the 8 weeks since (and 11 years prior to) launch Read More
After a few years at a design agency and then running her own freelance business, Laura Roeder decided to shatter the ceiling of her boring business and start fresh with a new business model - making people famous.

How did Laura go from a traditional "boring business" to building her own unique business model from the ground up? Watch my video interview with Laura to find out Read More
Monkey See, Monkey Do. I don't know if copying is some sort of evolutionary trait, or if there's even a gene for it, however, I do know a lot of people do it Read More
Among the millions and millions of web site pages out there, one kind of page is often wasted space just begging for some marketing think. And no I’m not talking about the About Us page, but it might be close second Read More

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