Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When I first got started in internet marketing I read that there is a 97% failure rate. That means that 97 of every 100 people who try internet marketing fail. I’m sure from the title of this post you know exactly why. People give up too quickly. Read More
Many entrepreneurs don't have the space or desire to start a business out of their home, yet find renting space and setting up essential support functions is overwhelming financially and energy draining just at a time when their financial resources and energy are most needed for development of the Read More
Is LinkedIn a waste of your time?  Not if you care about lead generation, building relationships with decision makers, and saving time and money.  LinkedIn Read More
Reputation Management is the process of shaping the perception of customers and the general public to promote, protect and defend the reputation of a business or other corporate entity. Read More
Entrepreneurial resilience is an essential trait to start and grow a business. Do you have it? Learn more here. Read More
Despite the cons, crowdsourcing is gaining popularity, mainly for the benefits it brings to small business owners, whose limited budgets don't allow contracts with agencies. Read More

Do You Listen To Your Customers? – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From http://ypsgroup.com 5122 days ago
Made Hot by: billrice on September 11, 2010 12:45 pm
Well, do ya’??? It’s so, so easy to say, “Of course! I’m not a silver-tongued devil, I’m a silver-eared devil.”

OK, let’s say you actually do listen intently after you ask a question. Let’s also say you’re constantly alert for stray comments, body language and all the little nuances of customer Read More
Not all business brokers are created equal. There are good business brokers and there are mediocre ones. This article describes 5 qualities you should look for when hiring a business broker to buy or sell your business. Read More
Maybe for me it was different, I don’t do a lot of gust posting, but I successfully runs a multi-authors blog, I need to know how to deal with my guest bloggers, I am seeking a better understanding!

You also can really master gust blogging and increase your authority! Read More
At this webpage PNT Marketing, a company providing customer retention services, provides an article explaining how financial institutions seek to improve customer loyalty by waiving banking fees.
Read More

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