Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In a contracting economy, good business owners realize the need to quickly get costs in line with declining revenues in order to preserve their operating margins. But, how can they continually pull more cost out of their operation without destroying the quality of their product? The answer is to fo Read More
I’ve said it here many times – winning high rankings in search engines is not that hard for local businesses. There are some categories of business that are very competitive and certainly require the investment of a high caliber SEO firm, but do it yourself type can do well if they focus on two act Read More
If you're running your own web analytics as a small business, here's a few things you could do today to address the way the web changed last week: Read More
You have probably heard plenty of times that being an entrepreneur is a risky business, and investors talk all the time about reducing the risk. Yet everyone seems to have their own view of key risk sources for startups, and I’m no exception. I don’t agree, for example, that the first priority is t Read More
Content is key for optimizing websites; here are five tips for generating new topics to cover on your small business website or blog. Read More
Interview with the Founder of Formidable Technologies, Stephen Streater, on the evolution of online video and how the world of video is changing. Read More
Organizational culture is a system of shared value and beliefs held by organizational members that unite the members of an organization and determine how they act. Culture indicates a common perception held by the members of an organization and it governs how its members should behave. Read More

Think About It – Week of 9/12/10 – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From http://bit.ly 5110 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on September 13, 2010 9:05 pm
“The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get to the office.” Robert Frost Read More
The first time I used Google Instant-Google's abrupt change to the full search results page, I thought it was, and that was before I even have a second letter typed. The ongoing transition to (s) found for all partial search criteria was less annoying, the more I used Google Instant. In the end, I Read More
Small businesses are getting big attention from Washington these days. Obama's latest attempt to help small businesses comes in the form of $200 billion in tax breaks for businesses that invest in new equipment and plants. Read More

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