Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In these unique (horrid) economic times what can you do to increase your chances of qualifying for a small business loan? Below are a few tips. Read More
Most people have set goals for themselves. Or do they?
This post helps you decide if you have goals or merely dreams... There is a difference. With some help from Chris Brogan, your author, Rick S. Pulito (keeper of the ideationz blog at http:ideationz.wordpress.com) point out the most important Read More
Tom Peters argues that the reaction to the problem often becomes more of a problem than the foul up would have been if dealt with honestly. Learn more at www.tompeters.com. Read More
"Authenticity is knowing, and acting on, what is true and real inside yourself, your team and your organization AND knowing and acting on what is true and real in the world." - Bob Terry
If you don’t really mean something as a manager, the employees will pick up on that immediately. Read More
People don't start a business because they want to get to know their character better. They start a business because they want independence, or for adventure. But getting to know yourself better than you ever expected is exactly what happens when you become an entrepreneur. Read More
As an entrepreneur, one of the most important things you should focus on is building your credibility. Be it online or offline, having credibility is really very important because it can bring about new business opportunities, new contacts, and it can also affect your overall business experience. Read More

Home Business: Are You Providing a Product or a Service?

Home Business: Are You Providing a Product or a Service? - http://cashmoneylife.com Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Startups
From http://cashmoneylife.com 5047 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on September 22, 2010 12:33 pm
Are you providing a product or a service through your home business? Should you be paid up front, or after you deliver the material? Read More

Advertising On Facebook Ads: A Guide For Small Businesses

Advertising On Facebook Ads: A Guide For Small Businesses - http://smallbusinessshift.com Avatar Posted by chrissb under Advertising
From http://smallbusinessshift.com 5048 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on September 20, 2010 6:41 am
Facebook advertising can be a great way for small businesses to drive awareness, generate leads, or gain more Likes. Learn how with this in-depth guide. Read More
Gilt shows ecommerce businesses some of the tricks of the trade - a great user experience that drives visitors to purchase, a very strong brand and solid online marketing techniques.

Also, Workbox is donating to San Francisco Goodwill whatever we can purchase through the affiliate rewards we ear Read More
I've wanted to do a post about what it's like to be an AD, (Area Developer) for a long time now, and magically, Peter Biro appeared on the scene. (This is a guest post from New England area developer Peter Biro.) Peter gives his view on what it's like to be an Area Developer for 2 growing franchise Read More

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