Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The divide between ‘online’ and ‘real world’ business is closing rapidly; does your website hold up to today’s design standards? More and more people use the internet to shop or book services every day, which means your website must stand as a good representative of your company while still selling Read More
Just about every major angel investor in Silicon Valley appears to be involved in criminal "collusion" and "price fixing". This is pretty shocking.

"In the back of the restaurant in a private room was a long oval table. Sitting around the table, Godfather style, were ten or so of the highest p Read More

Making Your Work Environment Work For You

Making Your Work Environment Work For You  - http://blog.therisetothetop.com Avatar Posted by therisetothetop under Startups
From http://blog.therisetothetop.com 5041 days ago
Made Hot by: alinisrael on September 27, 2010 10:48 am
Discussing pros and cons of working from home versus working in an office, and highlighting the fact that you need to do what's best for you and your situation. Read More
With over 14 billion websites on the internet it is no wonder 99% of websites businesses fail. But with this in mind, you are doomed right from the beginning if you do not have the right tools to get going. Read More
There are so many ways that a small business can market their products and services online. Some are more well known or popular than others. Lately, it seems like all the rage around online marketing is based on the continued surge of social media and the other is finding out how to win the constan Read More
We have become accustomed to corporate executives, politicians, TV networks, advertisers and sales people bending the truth. And, they all accuse the competition of lying. So, who is telling the truth? Read full article to find out how you can tell. Read More
I listened to a conversation the other day that went something like this:

Person A: “I heard she retired from coaching.”
Person B: “No way. She’s not old enough to retire…”
Person A: “Yeah, I think she’s retired now.”
Person B: “She’s like 42, she’s definitely not old enough to retire!”

Th Read More
In this post we mix the best of social media, marketing, leadership, and etc for the startup entrepreneur Read More
In the world of business, you only get one chance for a great first impression. The stakes are high – you are asking an investor for money, a customer for an order, or another executive for a partnership. Badly written letters, long rambling or emotional emails, or an obvious lack of spell checking Read More
Sometimes you might have tweets to do through out the day but can’t get around to it. Here is a program, Hootesuite, you can use to help you accomplish this. Read More

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