Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Remember that crazy young person you knew as a kid...the one who broke every rule...the one who could not help but do crazy things, always taking the dares...? Well it is quite possible that same person, now an adult, has started a successful private business venture and is doing quite well, thank Read More

3 Ways to Scale Your Personal Brand

3 Ways to Scale Your Personal Brand - http://smallbiztrends.com Avatar Posted by mikeholmes under Success Stories
From http://smallbiztrends.com 5023 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on October 6, 2010 11:49 am
Personal branding for entrepreneurs in many cases is a massive paradox. One one hand, in the authentic, transparent business world we are living in right now, Read More
What's the difference between the hustling entrepreneur, the mad scientist, the cutthroat brand builder, and the passionate painter working on her canvas? Read More
Do you want to know what 94% of the population hasn’t done in the last year that you can do to put yourself ahead of your competition? It’s something that you can do in your downtime. Read More
Do you really know the don’ts of a business? I mean do you really know what your business doesn’t need in other for it’s to be successful? In case you don’t know, read on and you get to know the bad don’ts of a business.
Knowing the don’ts of a business and avoiding it will help put away things th Read More
The power of social media is not hidden from any one. Companies are investing millions of their advertising budget, on these sites, just to achieve their objective. Read More
Email marketing is one of the most profitable strategies available to the online entrepreneur (and offline business owners, too). Consider this: About 99% of your website visitors will leave without buying anything from you on their first visit. But by creating a great opt-in offer you can at least ... Read More
Back in 1982, FR David sold 8 million copies of his song ‘Words’. He sang: “Words don’t come easy to me". If like Mr David, words don’t come easy to you, then this is the article for you. Read More
Starting a small business, while still working in the current job may be a viable approach for many would-be entrepreneurs. For many people it presents an opportunity to pursue their dream that they otherwise would not have. In this post we have highlighted some of reasons given to us by would-be e Read More
Big businesses often have an advantage over us small guys when it comes to running profitable companies. They can absorb costs better, have higher budgets for marketing and other expenses, and they carry a lot of weight to make things happen faster. This doesn’t have to be the case however. When it Read More

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