Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I often find myself working at home on my creative entrepreneurial endeavors. And while this might seem like the dream for some folks, working from home can actually get kinda lonely at times. If you’re like me, you probably say “oh, no problem, I’ll just work from a coffee shop and I’ll be fine.” Read More
The rewards for being productive sometimes come immediately, here are 7 techniques to boost productivity and get the most out of your work and your life Read More
Couldn’t a said it any better than a Forrester Research exec herownself, eh!

“In a perfect world, it’s both and everything in between. In the real world the general marketing rule is that retention is a lot more cost effective than acquisition…”

Now that’s spot-on, eh and to be the prologue t Read More
Every entrepreneur must pass through at least one from a series of transitional periods; from employee caterpillar into the entrepreneurial butterfly. I have have compiled a list of transitional periods that are key to having a successful business. Read More
I recommend you one of the most lucrative online businesses that is easy to start, highly competitive but highly rewarding: Web hosting review business. Read More
Everyone is talking about how social media can help you jumpstart your business at no cost, and experts are springing up on all sides to help you do it at a high cost. So who do you believe, and what are the keys to success for your startup?

Read More
A discussion of an important smarter, faster, cheaper marketing strategy: allowing people to create their own media, versus tightly controlling media creation and distribution. Read More
Before getting started on earning money online, it is important to know that there are quite a number of successful Internet business models to choose from. Read More

Could Gen Y Be The Most Entrepreneurial Generation Ever?

Could Gen Y Be The Most Entrepreneurial Generation Ever?  - http://michaelgholmes.com Avatar Posted by mikeholmes under Startups
From http://michaelgholmes.com 5008 days ago
Made Hot by: ofirafromjobshuk on October 17, 2010 4:07 pm
Technology is cheaper, social media is becoming powerful by the moment, and trust of corporations have eroded to an all time low...could this be the most entrepreneurial generation ever??? Read More
The list includes young, innovative, ambitious businesspeople that have successfully created a name for themselves. Favorites here at ENTREPRENANT include: Read More

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