Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to Run Your Blog Like a Business: 10 Tips

How to Run Your Blog Like a Business: 10 Tips  - http://basicblogtips.com Avatar Posted by Ileane under Online Marketing
From http://basicblogtips.com 5012 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on October 18, 2010 10:47 am
You can't surf the internet without being told that you can make thousands of dollars a month through blogging. While this is true in a few cases, it is no... Read More

What Fight Club Taught Me About Business Meetings

What Fight Club Taught Me About Business Meetings  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From http://bloggertone.com 5012 days ago
Made Hot by: ruth on October 15, 2010 3:57 am
Fight Club Meeting are those kind of meetings that can boost productivity. They're messy, bloody, and raw but at the end they're much more effective than those professional ones. Find out why... Read More
Last month I discussed creating a vision for your business by stepping into the shoes of “big” business.  This article takes that conversation to the next step; discover how planting and nurturing some well placed seeds can increase your business conversions. Read More
The most important tool for writing blogs, whether you are a small business owner or a dedicated blogger, is an excellent content management system. Being able to write your posts, publish them easily, integrate your social media, and upload images and video is the staple in the writing life of a b Read More
It was my first week on the job as a new manager.
My management training program had lasted three months. During that time, I learned how to be a decent grill operator and was proud of my progress. When I took over my own store at the age of 23 (the youngest person in my unit), I wanted to show th Read More

5 Tips for Great First Impressions

5 Tips for Great First Impressions  - http://bestbizpractices.org Avatar Posted by bestbizpractices under Marketing
From http://bestbizpractices.org 5014 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on October 12, 2010 8:18 pm
It’s been said you never get second chance to make a good first impression. But, many small business owners do not pay nearly enough attention to their image. Your company’s image is inexorably linked to your brand. Find out how you can be sure your company is making a good impression. Read More
The ultimate quest of any organization or cause is to develop an army of committed fans, customers, employees, volunteers, or contributors. And yet, developing loyalty and commitment, the kind that makes people want to reach for their wallet and evangelize products and companies, remains a mystery Read More
Weekly Expert Mark Dykeman discusses the need for creativity in the entrepreneur. Not just a strategic advantage, the use of creativity is a mandatory skill for every business owner Read More
Here is how your action plan to be a blogger looked like, or looks like, then great.. BUT the problem I see in our wonderful blogging world, is many bloggers look and sound alike. Read More
The steps to becoming an entrepreneur can become a difficult thing especially for those that are just starting out. Read More

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