Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

By Rieva Lesonsky One of the biggest challenges of being an entrepreneur is the leadership role you have to fill in your company. Before you launched a business, you may have headed a department or even a division, but being in charge of an entire business is something else altogether.

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Platinum SEO Plugin is the ultimate wordpress SEO solution. Platinum SEO Plugin offers all the features of All in One SEO plugin plus more. Platinum SEO plugin to not only automate SEO for wordpress blogs, but also provide an ultimate onsite SEO (search engine optimization) solution for wordpress b Read More
As a business owner, it is important to know how to write and read contracts. Most likely, you will run into contract situations often, whether it be with clients, vendors, tenants, landlords or other business partnerships.

Basically, a contract is a legally binding agreement between two or mor Read More

The Rise of the Intrapreneur

The Rise of the Intrapreneur  - http://www.cikmarketing.ca Avatar Posted by CIKMarketing under Social Media
From http://www.cikmarketing.ca 5011 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on October 15, 2010 6:50 pm
How can an entrepreneurial-minded individual take the leap without the risk of losing it all? Become an intrapreneur, and do as Hajj E. Flemings, author and corporate brand consultant, suggests – start “grustlin’.” Read More
A paragraph is a group of sentences that develop an idea. It can also be part of an extended idea. A document is made up of several paragraphs.

Mastering the art of paragraph writing will make writing easier and more effective. There are a few steps to writing a successful paragraph. Read More
It seems like many entrepreneurs are becoming so technology addicted to their iPhones and email that they forget to listen to what their customers want, or even forget to ask. Attention spans have compressed to seconds, and face-to-face conversations, with the hugely important body language, are av Read More
Have you ever thought of posting product pictures on Flickr to drive qualified leads your way? Here is a way to use Flickr to help you do just that. Read More
today there are a variety of content management systems (CMS) that make it easier than ever for small business owners to plug new content onto their Web sites without disrupting the site architecture or look and feel.Here is an explanation of some of the more popular content management systems, and Read More
By incorporating social media in your business, you are communicating with your audience – hence the communication is two way, you can convey your message to them and they can also provide their feedback. Read More
So you have finished up the design of your blog, added killer articles and started to get decent traffic. That is when you get lured of placing ads all over your blog in the hopes of making big money. Unfortunately things are a bit tougher in the real world. Read More

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