Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The 12-Step Program for Online Marketing

The 12-Step Program for Online Marketing - http://www.searchengineguide.com Avatar Posted by st0n3y under Online Marketing
From http://www.searchengineguide.com 4989 days ago
Made Hot by: ofirafromjobshuk on November 3, 2010 10:04 pm
The 12-Step Program, developed by AA, has been used by countless individuals and copied by many organizations to help people get their lives on track. Here, we present the 12-Step Program for business owners when dealing with their online marketing campaigns. Read More
Successful serial entrepreneur Michael Arrington recently (Halloween to be exact) wrote a great post on the mega blog he founded TechCrunch. What does it mean to be a Pirate Entrepreneur? Read More
Is your business using Foursquare yet? Should you be? Location based services like this a growing rapidly and can really make a big difference in your company's social media strategy. I have compiled a few videos to help you get aware of what Foursquare is and why it could be great for your busines Read More
This bankruptcy advice is for those who know they have fallen into serious debt, but far more for those who don’t believe it will ever happen to them. No matter how careful you are, there are circumstances that can plunge you into serious debt overnight. Read More
Don't fall prey to the We're all a family here, or We're too small to worry about that, excuses. Your family can sue you just as easy as an employee and NO Business is too small. The legal fees alone could cripple your business. Read More
Traffic Numbers - WOW! I had 834,459 hits to my blog last month… Pretty dam good..Right? Unfortunately…NO! Read More
Each year, thousands of otherwise viable businesses go under because they lack liquidity. However, crises of this kind are quite predictable. Here’s how to scan the future and keep control.

Money is not the same as that of sales, and people do pay you long after you’ve had to pay salaries, inven Read More
A small business guide to using email cold call to approach prospects out of the blue. Discover a system that will instantly increase your conversion rate and get you in the door to your prospects. Read More

Sometimes You've Just Got to Sneeze the Sneeze

Sometimes You've Just Got to Sneeze the Sneeze - http://www.365daysofstartups.com Avatar Posted by lkpetrolino under Startups
From http://www.365daysofstartups.com 4990 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on November 2, 2010 8:40 pm
A sneeze is kinda like this whole entrepreneur thing. Sometimes ya gotta just go chase that dream, and you might not have a choice when it hits, but you can be darn sure that it won't be pretty. Read More
It’s doubtful that no two words in an entrepreneur’s vocabulary are procrastinated over more than these two: “Business Planning”. But you don't need a 100 page document to steer your business towards its goals. Here are some tips for creating a simple business plan that can help guide you to succes Read More

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