Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Things web site owner and web masters can do to increase google page ranking fast and consistently by using proven techniques Read More
As an entrepreneur we all have great business ideas waiting to be established but one major problem most entrepreneurs face is the lack  of funds, they can't Read More
Email marketing tips for small business is a topic that can’t be talked about enough. Here are 12 proven email marketing tips that will help elevate your business. Read More
I’m always really interested to see how other companies are using social media and where they’re finding success. Read More
Search – everyone is doing it and it has becoming quite the habit on the web. So how much do you value having the search capabilities on your website for visitors? Google changed the way we find information and it’s what they are known for the most besides everything else that they have done. Sure Read More
Is your website generating more compliments than clients? Cutting-edge design, flashy graphics, apps, and tools (what I sometimes call "website bling") will get you noticed. Yet, once you get their attention, what is your website saying? ... Read More
Not too long ago I’ve learned of a Los Angeles-based company called uCubd, and got really interested in it because of two things: (i) cool technology, and (ii) the fact that their technology is already integrated with at least one affiliate program, the Amazon’s one.

So, I sat down with one of t Read More
While many small businesses decide that some other organization is right for them, it is true that the C Corporation can be of use, depending on your ultimate goals. It's worth knowing a little bit about it. Read More
All businesses should know their competition...and know it well. And knowing your competition in the virtual world crucial to your success with your online marketing goals. Enjoy... Read More
Many entrepreneurs are convinced that banks are not worth the effort for startups, especially early-stage ones that still don’t have a revenue stream, or collateral to back up their financing needs. A question I get all the time is “Can I ever expect any backing from my bank for a great opportunity Read More

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