Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Some tips from business owners and entrepreneur experts on how to grow strong — and smart. "Fast growth is a double-edged sword," says Deam Roys, founder of Roys & Associates. It's good because things are working. But if you grow too fast, things can really blow up." The partners and workers at Read More

The Changing Mindset Of The Consumer

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From http://bloggertone.com 5110 days ago
Made Hot by: nialldevitt on September 14, 2010 9:03 am
Have you flicked on the TV recently and seen an advert for a comparison site? Travelled on the tube or looked at the side of a bus? As annoying as the song is, the second the overweight opera singer with a fantastically coiffure moustache pops up Read More
7 Limiting Beliefs That Are Robbing You From Your Online Success. You see.. when we're first getting started, we have all this excitement, drive and a strong belief that this will actually work and that we'll be successful. But as time goes on, the excitement goes down, the motivation begins to dro Read More
Where does the line between private and public in social media finally fall after all the hype and hoopla are settled? I’m betting that the longer you’ve been on social media, the more likely you are to draw a line hard in the sand. Read More
One of the most under-rated tools any small business owner or entrepreneur can have is the elevator pitch or elevator speech. But not just talk about the business; pitch the business in a way that’s going to get someone’s interest in a short amount of time. Read More
CafePress can be one of the legitimate ways to establish yourself as an online entrepreneur. Let's dig deeper and see whether you really can make money with CafePress. Read More
Did you know that each sales call you make is potentially worth $5000 or more in sales? What do you do to prepare for meetings to make sure that you maximize your efforts and don’t waste your time? Read More
There are no pictures of the invisible mouse, because the mouse itself doesn't exist. It's just an infrared laser beam and an infrared camera tracking your hand from the side of a laptop. Could this be the next Apple mouse? Read More
An "elevator pitch" is a concise, well-practiced description of your startup and your plan, delivered with conviction and enthusiasm, that your mother should be able to understand in the time it would take to ride up an elevator. Everybody knows about these, but few people seem to deliver a good on Read More
SEO can be complex. Sometimes it's not just the technical knowledge that will make you a success, but you need street smarts as well. So, here are some common cliches that can help make you a better SEO. Read More

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