Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Have you claimed your free business listing on Facebook Places? Don Keeton discusses how businesses can target customers who want to connect socially and then incent them to patronize their Place by offering special deals, which can help them develop new customers as well as create customer loyalty Read More
If you have any other unconventional sources for design inspiration, please share them in the comments! What are you inspired by? (vf) Read More
The availability of new sets of data has changed the way we live our lives:
here are 10 examples of data which have changed everything from how we
assess wars to how companies deliver milk. Read More
Location based check-in type services are this year’s overhyped topic – with good reason. While you may not understand why someone wants to be the mayor of their barber shop, you do need to recognize the behavior that social location services such as Gowalla, Foursquare, Yelp! and Facebook Places r Read More
As summer draws to a close, for the millions of seasonal business operators across the country so does another peak selling period. If you are you are interested in starting, or already own a seasonal business, read our tips for getting the most out of your business year-round. Read More
Easy steps to ensure you don't get screwed with domain expirations or designers who control your domain. Read More
In business, you're dead without creativity.

Maybe you're one of the millions of people who saw Newsweek's recent article about The Creativity Crisis (http://www.newsweek.com/2010/07/10/the-creativity-crisis.html), where Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman write about the decline of the American educ Read More
A lot of online business owners focus so much on getting traffic from the search engines and optimizing for Google that they completely neglect the search engine on their own site. This article describes how to improve your onsite search Read More
Are you looking for ways to drive more traffic to your blog or website? Inbound Marketing with Blog Carnivals is a great way to increase website traffic. Read More
Learn how to leverage Facebook Places so your business can gain the incremental exposure of their geo-location capability. Facebook users are already taking advantage of this and letting their network of friends know where they're checking in, so you'll want to make sure you can be found and your l Read More

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