Kahlua16 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Facebook-owned messaging service is reportedly testing the ability to edit or recall messages that have already been sent. This means you can delete or revise a message even after your friend's phone has technically received it. Read More

Weekend Reading for Online Entrepreneurs

 Weekend Reading for Online Entrepreneurs  - https://www.strongstart.fm Avatar Posted by LashonMcclure under Resources
From https://www.strongstart.fm 2708 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on February 3, 2017 8:52 pm
In this weekly post I curate the best of the content I found and reviewed for online entrepreneurs. As a free gift, check out my 5-step personal productivity system that helps you find two hours a day to build your future! Read More
Aside from the raw product you’re selling, company culture is everything.

It’s made up of your work environment, ethics, mission, expectations, and goals. You can have a great product, but without a solid culture to back it up, its development can fall apart.
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Developing requests have made advancement a basic part of the corporate and venture world. Things continue progressing with time so perception turns into an absolute necessity! Read More
The good thing is that Content is still king, and hence it is seen that most visitors still look for content over flash. They want to learn more about your company, the product, and services you offer before they contact you. Content and education-based marketing has become the norm now and are ess Read More
Prediction in web design always becomes challenging for the web designers. Nowadays, Ecommerce website design is crucial part of any business. So Website Design Company ModernTechnolab shares latest Ecommerce Website Design Predictions for 2017. Read More
Do you own a gym or fitness center? Here are top reasons why your gym and fitness center should have mobile app for your customers.
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Why is quality assurance (QA) testing so important? While testing may often be perceived as an extra cost, the reality is that the relative cost of testing is small compared with the cost to go back and rework buggy code. Here's a look at QA testing and why it's so crucial to an app's success. Read More
A must-read list of tools, apps and resources that help you coordinate, manage and develop your marketing and business growth this year.
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Trump dominated the media cycle but behind the scenes his team were running a lean campaign strategy founded in big data which helped him clinch the presidency. Read More

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