Kahlua16 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Poor processes are the primary cause of inefficiencies (44%), but often these poor processes go much deeper than we admit.
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Negative reviews for your small business can sink it on online directories. This simple four step process will help you handle negative online reviews. Read More

6 Tricks to Get to Profitability Faster

6 Tricks to Get to Profitability Faster - https://www.fundera.com Avatar Posted by fundera under Strategy
From https://www.fundera.com 2722 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on January 26, 2017 11:54 am
Most business owners think of profitability as an event that will happen “someday.” They are hopeful that one day, if things go just right, their business will support them and they will be able to live the coveted entrepreneurial lifestyle.

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The iPad is a great tool for writing or blogging on the go. But, to match the excellent hardware you need an excellent Word Processing App. iA Writer, the minimal Word Processing App strips away everything but the words. This review covers the latest offering and new features. Read More
The Office Space-esque version of the nine-to-five is a construct of the past. No longer do cubicle-confined worker bees time their commutes to arrive at 9 a.m. on the dot; even donning a suit and tie in the workplace is becoming more and more passé. And with 2017 looming, top talent is more select Read More

What is a Workflow? A Simple Guide to Getting Started

What is a Workflow? A Simple Guide to Getting Started  - https://www.process.st Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Technology
From https://www.process.st 2722 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on January 23, 2017 8:41 am
Wondering what a workflow is, and how you can use them to work faster, better, and stop wasting time? Here's all you need to know.
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It’s 2017! Time to set new resolutions and update last year’s resolutions (provided you had sticked with them all through the year!)

It is easy to set goals for everyone. The actual difficulty lies in maintaining them. If reports are to be believed, only 8% of people at the end of the year succe Read More
In this episode of Business Systems Explored, Armando shares a system for managing a Facebook ad campaign like a PRO.
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PILLARS is a growth hacks tracking system - it’s a great way to kick off your efforts, but isn’t too great at covering everything you’ll need. Read More
If you have a lot of life experience that it is enough to share with other people, this type of a business is definitely for you! Learn how to start your own life coaching business with this guide that includes all the steps you should follow. Read More

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