Kahlua16 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

15 Reasons Your Small Business Needs CRM in 2017

15 Reasons Your Small Business Needs CRM in 2017 - https://smallbiztrends.com Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Sales
From https://smallbiztrends.com 2734 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on January 13, 2017 4:55 am
If your business isn’t already using CRM, then 2017 is the year for you to give it a try. CRM, which stands for customer relationship management, has many potential benefits for small businesses. Here are 15 different reasons why your business should be using CRM in 2017. Read More
Outsourcing is nothing new. Manufacturing, support, accounting, marketing, and more have all been outsourced for decades to save time and money (although modern outsourcing only really started with IBM).

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Procrastination Causes Failure

Procrastination Causes Failure - https://corporatecoachgroup.com Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Management
From https://corporatecoachgroup.com 2735 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on January 12, 2017 12:13 pm
Many people fail, not because of what they HAVE done, but rather, because of what they HAVEN'T done. Procrastination is a very common way to fail.

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Improved sales and productivity, reduced turnover and recruitment costs and happy engaged employees all contribute to a compelling case for an investment, of both time and money, in employer branding. However, many business leaders are still not seeing it as a priority.

Here are 5 undeniable ben Read More
Businesses reap diverse benefits through outsourcing. However, managing multiple outsourcing teams can become a challenge for many companies. When working with outsourcing teams, businesses face challenges in communication, collaboration and information sharing. To engage outsourcing teams persona Read More

29 Small Business Podcast Interviews with the Experts

29 Small Business Podcast Interviews with the Experts  - https://www.process.st Avatar Posted by LashonMcclure under Strategy
From https://www.process.st 2736 days ago
Made Hot by: kahlua16 on January 9, 2017 2:54 pm
After 29 episodes, season one of Business Systems Explored is over. In this episode, we’re looking back over our favorite episodes, and forward to what season two might hold.
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Smart Data Visualization suggests the best options for visualizing and plotting a particular set or type of data, based on the nature, dimensions and trends. Read More
In other to keep your blog working well, looking beautiful, and not getting penalized by search engines, you will need to... Read More

Bond Street Book Club: Second Edition

Bond Street Book Club: Second Edition - https://bondstreet.com Avatar Posted by samanthanovick under Self-Development
From https://bondstreet.com 2738 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on January 10, 2017 12:59 pm
These 14 books were all suggested as a response to the simple question, ‘One book every entrepreneur should read.’ They cover a huge array of topics, from the vaguely theoretical and academic to the direct and actionable—and everything in between. Read More
As unbelievable as it may sound, your handwriting can reveal up to 5000 different personality traits! From how you space your letters and how you cross your ‘t’s, to how you curve your lowercase ‘s’ and how big your letters are, however small or big the peculiarity is in your handwriting will say s Read More

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