Kevinocasio voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Getting involved with social media can be confusing to small businesses, so here are some tips on how a small business can get started with social media. Read More
Hashtags are a great way to open your tweets up to an audience your account may not be reaching otherwise. But it can be tricky terrain to navigate. We’ve seen themed hashtags backfire for many a brand in the past (need we mention the McDonald’s shamrocking debacle?), and we’ve seen brands grab hol Read More
Tweak Your Biz got 100K unique visits during December, 2012. It’s taken us three years to build up to this level of traffic, and we’ve made mistakes and learnt lots along the way. Here’s what it has taken to manage a blog from a standing start to delivering this level of traffic. Read More
I had my WordPress blog backup ready to go but I was having problems logging into my new host’s control panel and I needed help. This is where 24/7 technical support comes in very handy. Read More
Is your attitude helping you or holding you back? Three Personality Traits that hurt your career and how to fix them. Read More

Why You Should Make Sure Others Steal Your Ideas

Why You Should Make Sure Others Steal Your Ideas - Avatar Posted by ScottScanlon under Strategy
From 4189 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on January 13, 2013 10:37 pm
You should strive to have your ideas stolen.

Over the last few days a few of my friends on Facebook have spoken out about how their ideas or strategies have been adopted (stolen). Now these are ideas/strategies they haven’t readily shared but other marketers did what all market participants do, Read More

Is the 'complaint culture' on the rise?

Is the 'complaint culture' on the rise? - Avatar Posted by bOnline under Customer Service
From 4189 days ago
Made Hot by: Sun Tzu Business Guide on January 14, 2013 12:56 am
New research has suggested consumers today are more likely to complain than they were five years ago, despite suffering less problems. Read more here. Read More
Regardless of the types of ads that you use (Facebook, Twitter, paid search campaigns, etc), before wasting your advertising dollars, tweak your settings to display your ad only to your target audience and/or geography. Read More
KISS is an acronym for “Keep It Simple, Stupid”, and it tells us that the simplest way, is often the best. Marketing is littered with failed campaigns and projects that were unable to achieve their objectives, and have been abandoned. Over complicated competitions, branded social networks, points b Read More
I was always having a hard time explaining what do I do to make a living. Not anymore. Here is how to craft an effective elevator pitch that works. Read More

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