Kevinocasio voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Income Report: How Our Online Store Performed This Past Year

Income Report:  How Our Online Store Performed This Past Year - Avatar Posted by mywifequitherjob under Startups
From 4189 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on January 11, 2013 12:03 pm
My wife just closed the books on our online store and I'm happy to report that we had another record year of earnings! Here's how we grew our business this past year. Read More
According to a recent Symantec Report, more than 36% of all targeted cyber attacks in the first half of 2012 were directed at small companies. Business owners, be aware and prepared. You don’t want hackers hijacking your website (or your domain!) or compromising sensitive data. Read More

9 Persuasion Lessons from a 4-Year-Old

9 Persuasion Lessons from a 4-Year-Old  - Avatar Posted by copyjuice under Marketing
From 4189 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on January 11, 2013 7:35 pm
From Copyblogger - Children are incredibly persuasive, without even trying. What can we learn from them about growing a business online? Read More
Employers must report each employee's wages and withheld taxes to the Social Security Administration on a yearly basis. Form W-2/W-3 serves as an annual wage report. This article explains how to do just that. Read More
Temporary employees may be an option for small business owners who need to cover workload fluctuations. This article is excellent in discussing the pros and cons. Read More
If you use the right search strategies when creating a list of prospective clients, you can greatly reduce the duration of the job.

In this post, we’re going to go over some strategies to help you skillfully search for contacts to build your prospects list. Read More
As the economy improves many small businesses may be looking to fill staffing needs. Companies may consider using independent contractors in lieu of hiring employees. This articles discusses the pros and cons of working with freelancers and employees. Read More
Dark social is social traffic that is not recognised as 'social' by analytics programs e.g. email shares. To learn more about dark social and its implications for marketers, read on ... Read More
If you have a unique creation or invention, and you are not selling it around the world on the Internet, now is the time to start. The cost of entry has never been lower. Anyone can be an entrepreneur today, without a huge investment, bank loans, venture capitalists, or Angels. Read More
Today I cover 6 different topics from the benefit of a narrow niche to the fact that people take writing a book too seriously. Read More

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