Leizlborromeda voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It is hard building a business and even harder keeping up with all the technologies that go into participating in “Social Media” to help support and promote your business. I haven't even touched upon how many personal accounts you might have that don't stray or even worse, blend into your work life. There are so many articles written on work-life Read More
Speaking to the American Medical Association in Chicago, Obama insists the status quo cannot be sustained: 'Reform is not a luxury, it is a necessity.' President Obama today called the cost of healthcare a "ticking time bomb" that threatens to slow the nation's economic recovery as he pushed a massive reform plan during an appearance in Chi Read More

10 Things to To Do When You Lose Your Blogging Voice

Avatar Posted by girlopinion under Strategy
From http://confidentwriting.com 5520 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 16, 2009 3:04 pm
There are times when blogging seems easy. Natural. Maybe even like breathing. Other times though when it's hard. Awkward. Perhaps you feel like you've become a stranger on your own blog. Or that there's nothing more you can add to the words that pour out into the blogosphere, day after busy posting day. Perhaps it starts to feel like you'r Read More
More importantly, though, by participating in the conversation, you still can't control it, but you can at least take the initiative, so you're not always reacting all the time, and where at least some of the conversation starts on your terms. And of course, participation lays out the framework for those conversational channels that you can use wh Read More
So inspiring that inspite of what the current situation is, a media company still get this kind of revenue from ad alone. Read More

Compelling Argument Against Cold Calling

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From http://salesblogcast.com 5539 days ago
Made Hot by: salesevangelist on May 28, 2009 7:08 am
Cold calling is described in heroic terms: beating a path to the prized customer; crossing the many obstacles and walls of protection to find the elusive buyer; wrangling and competing against the many other sales people pursuing the same prize. After breathless battle and hard work the sales person... Read More
In early May 2009, Patrick Connor and Paul Cherry of Performance Based Results led a select group of seasoned senior executives on our first ExecuCross Bike Trip. Read about our adventure along the Great Allegheny Passage Trail, and how it helped us become stronger leaders -- and how you can join us on our next trip this fall! Read More

Hourly versus Retainer Client Billing for Service Businesses

Avatar Posted by dchurchv under Sales
From http://blog.myclientspot.com 5539 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on June 1, 2009 4:14 pm
For small service businesses or solo professionals, deciding on an approach to client billing can be tricky. Charging clients up front with a retainer guarantees cashflow, but will it cost you business? Read More

Networking and the Art of Conversation

Avatar Posted by BizBox under Marketing
From http://bizbox.slate.com 5539 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 28, 2009 7:04 pm
An interview with Don Gabor, author of the new How To Turn Small Talk into Big Deals. Read More

5 Lessons Celebrities Can Teach Us About Facebook Pages

Avatar Posted by q4sales under Online Marketing
From http://mashable.com 5539 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 28, 2009 7:05 pm
Small business owners can study what works in the world of Facebook by looking at strong and not-so-strong examples via celebrities. You can search "facebook sales marketing pagerank" and such terms will help you find more examples to look at. Read More

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