Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Ever want your blog posts to make your readers say "I'm ready to do business with you - TODAY"?

Then your blog posts need to be up to snuff.

And to get them there, you can use the 5 tips outlined in this blog post to make them real head-turners. And before you know it, your readers will know, Read More

Why Are Fewer Small Business Owners Feeling Successful?

Avatar Posted by steeldawn under Finance
From http://smallbiztrends.com 3610 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on November 18, 2014 2:00 pm
Fewer small business owners perceive themselves as successful now than did at the start of the economic recovery, a Wells Fargo-Gallup survey of a representative sample of 601 small business owners reveals. In 2009, 43 percent of small business owners reported feeling “extremely” or “very successfu Read More
Why entrepreneurs should have a business plan and why the debate over one is useful or not is just a distraction from actually building your business. Read More
No matter what it is you're selling online, you absolutely have to get your message and product in front of your ideal audience.  Facbeook advertisin Read More
40 of the best online marketing quotes of all time! Inspirational online marketing quotes and creative online marketing quotes to read, share and enjoy. Read More
I shared my best Pinterest marketing ideas in this interview with Jeff Sieh. But first, let me tell you a little about Jeff. He’s the man behind the widely popular Google+ Hangout series called The Manly Pinterest Tips Show.
We talked about Ahalogy, Tailwindapp, Buzzsumo, PostPlanner and more! Read More
SendOwl makes it easy for you to sell your own digital products without needed to worry about security or the technical details of a shopping cart. Read More
If you’re a freelancer then you’ll know that getting paid on time is critical. But did you know you can use your contract to protect yourself and nail down everything related to money? Read More
A child tracker from premier electronics manufacturer LG has entered the European market. This tracking device is wearable and helps you to remotely track your child. Read More
Download this free and awesome child theme for Divi by ElegantThemes to enable Divi Builder on posts, pages and any custom post type. Read More

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