Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Amazon offering prime members free unlimited photo storage, use your smartphone as your new hotel key and Smartphones are more popular than tablets for mobile video. Read More

Business Lessons from a Bacon Maker

Avatar Posted by danecarlson under Products and Services
From http://www.business-opportunities.biz 3612 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on November 17, 2014 9:49 am
The four rules of bacon making: 1. Don't kill the wrong pig. 2. Hide the messy bits. 3. Be excellent but be authentic. 4. Finishing something correctly is better than unfinished perfection. Read More

Crowd-Funding Success Usually Brings New Challenges

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3612 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on November 15, 2014 3:11 am
Many entrepreneurs seems to be convinced that the “crowd” of regular people using the Internet will somehow solve their startup funding needs, when they sense a lack of interest from accredited investors. Professionals maintain that there is plenty of money and equity for qualified startups, and fu Read More

Pack Up The Office and Head on Out to The New One in a Breeze

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Management
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 3612 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on November 15, 2014 3:11 am
Moving offices? Use these tips to prepare for the move to the new office location and ensure your stuff will not get lost along the way. Read More
If you're looking for tech partner, then you're probably wondering how to pick the right one, how to ensure your choice will not jeopardize your business. The following list helps you clearly define your expectations & clarify what you should look & ask for when evaluating a potential tech partner! Read More
Let’s assume you are a front-line sales manager who wants to become a Sales Director. What are companies looking for when hiring a Sales Director in 2014? 7 skills sales managers need to become sales directors. Read More
"Improving your Twitter strategy is one of the best ways to enhance your overall social media marketing efforts. With these 33 Twitter tips, in 140 characters or less, you can easily elevate your Twitter savviness." Read More
You've probably heard about the importance of setting a morning routine. Morning routines set your days up for success, plus you get to enjoy the long-term benefits of implementing good habits daily.

The only problem is, it can be hard to set the perfect routine for YOU. You have to make sure it Read More
Google's new algorithms are more accurate in identifying high quality content. Google wants to index sites that have best quality content because mediocre sites are two many in numbers and not user-friendly. Google's recent algorithms are more advanced to scale content. Read More
Google's new algorithms are more accurate in identifying high quality content. Google wants to index sites that have best quality content because mediocre sites are two many in numbers and not user-friendly. Google's recent algorithms are more advanced to scale content. Read More

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