Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Getting a business off the ground isn't easy -- but making it successful is even harder. Learn how this entrepreneur did it, and how you can too! Read More
Haven't flash mobs gone out of style, you ask? Perhaps. Despite this, right now is the perfect time to try this tactic for your business. Find out why. Read More
Haven't flash mobs gone out of style, you ask? Perhaps. Despite this, right now is the perfect time to try this tactic for your business. Find out why. Read More
Do you want to work for a startup? The hours are often long and a "typical day" is nonexistent, but if you really believe in what you're working towards, it can transform your career — and perhaps even lead to a startup of your own. Read More
We are at the beginning of a data revolution, where every data source will be connected with each other and as such can make us happy. Read More
This interesting feedback from Lewis Howes explains how to identify the right type of internal and external feedback that can help entrepreneurs be successful. Read More

Six Easy Steps to Success with Personal Branding

Avatar Posted by harleenas under Strategy
From http://www.aha-now.com 3616 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on November 13, 2014 2:54 am
What is something about you that can help make you successful? You guessed it right - it's your personal brand! You must learn to become successful with personal branding. This is what today's post is about - the exact steps you need to take to develop your personal brand.

More at the blog. :) Read More
MavSocial call themselves as the social media tool for business. So, what is MavSocial all about?

It is a visual content marketing and campaign planning tool. Can MavSocial take your social media marketing to the next level?

Read more about it here and tell me what you think. Read More
The Ultimate Guide to Outsourcing SEO to the Philippines Done Right: The Good, The Bad, and How to Win Big by Dennis Seymour. Read More
Facebook has become an essential online marketing channel for today's businesses, but there's more to success than crafting catchy posts. Here's an infographic from rapidadvance that sheds some light on how to get the most out of the premier social media channel by launching an effective Facebook a Read More

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