Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Ways Small Companies Can Test The Waters Before Jumping In

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Strategy
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 3691 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on August 28, 2014 12:23 pm
If your small business can test the waters before assuming a risk, you should take advantage of that opportunity. Read More
There are many important skills that successful people have that enable them to become the best at what they do. Some people may find that a few of these skills come naturally to them, but others will learn and adopt these skills in order to be the best. Read More
Nellie Akalp, CEO of CorpNet.com, shares how you can get back to school this fall to get smarter and grow your business in this post on The Mogul Mom. Read More
The Sales KPI or Sales Key Performance Indicators is absolutely essential in measuring your businesses outreach program vs business conversion. Here's part 2 to Sales KPI. Read More

Build Authority By Participating In Expert Interviews

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Marketing
From https://www.chamberofcommerce.com 3691 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on August 28, 2014 1:40 pm
To build authority, you have to first create a foundation to build on. This is much easier if you establish yourself in the beginning as an authority within your industry. A great way to do this is through expert interviews. Read More
Google Analytics is the most popular free tool you can use to measure the success of your inbound marketing efforts. With it, you can view the volume of your website traffic, track where your users are coming from and where they’re going, and learn how and why your users are [...] Read More

Is a Content Management System Necessary?

Avatar Posted by jonmikelbailey under Online Marketing
From http://www.woodst.com 3692 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on August 28, 2014 3:42 am
Yes! But, allow me to explain.

First, for those not familiar with the term content management system, here is a definition…

A content management system, or CMS, is software that allows you to create, edit, and publish content to a website or blog without advanced coding knowledge.

In other Read More
Check-out these 10 hard-to-ignore reasons why your business needs to invest in a responsive website. Read More
Check-out these 10 hard-to-ignore reasons why your business needs to invest in a responsive website. Read More
With so many links and advertisements on every website you surf, it’s hard to keep track of which is which. Obviously you remember sites you visit on a regular basis, such as Facebook or Google, but it’s certainly not because of their captivating landing pages. Read More

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