Lolerich voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Here are 9 things you can do to make sure your customers - and your team helping them get there - are successful:

Do Meet Your Users At Your Customers
Don’t Make Any Decision You’d Be Embarrassed For Your Clients to Find Out
Do Talk To Your Front Lines
Don’t Disempowe Read More
When you're creating a new product category - especially in the software / technology world - analysts are key to defining that new category. But there are different types of analysts, and knowing the differences can help you accelerate this process.

1. The Subject Matter Expert
Read More
The top reasons for customer churn are generally Mismanaged Sales Expectations, Price, Competition, or Sponsor Change.

But what the heck do you do with that? Are all of those really equivalent?

Is someone going to leave because of competition or sponsor change but not b Read More
In this article on the Gainsight Customer Success Thought Leadership site, Anthony Nygren of EMI Strategic Marketing shares how to reach the full potential of your customer Relationships by focusing on communication, but doing so across logical segments. Read More
Startups that don't get traction often blame a lack of Product / Market Fit. This article calls shenanigans on that. Read More
If you're trying to change the world - or just create a new product category - recruiting truly great marketing leaders is actually a very hard problem. Here are 5 things to look for in your marketing leader, even if they don't have experience in transforming industries:

1. They think Read More
Dan Steinman, Chief Customer Officer at Gainsight lays out 3 practical, actionable ways to not only understand your customers better, but to engage with them in a way congruent with their relative value as a customer.

The three steps are:
Step 1 – Segment your Customers
Ste Read More
The Gainsight team went out for a rousing game of Trampoline Dodgeball and all I got were these 10 Growth Hacking lessons. Read More
There is a misconception that the goal should be "Happy" customers, but what we're really looking for are Successful customers. And here's why that matters... Read More

Functional Roles of Customer Success

Functional Roles of Customer Success  - Avatar Posted by lincoln-murphy under Customer Service
From 3608 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on August 6, 2014 7:24 pm
This article covers the functional roles that play a part in Customer Success, whether performed - or influenced - by Customer Success Managers. Read More

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