Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This infographic, produced by Salesforce, uncovers 15 little-known things that you can do on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

For instance, did you know that:

On Twitter, rather than unfollowing someone, you can mute the account.
When you add a photo to a tweet, you can tag up to 10 people in Read More

Fast, Cheap or Good - Pick Two - Trellis

Avatar Posted by trellis under Online Marketing
From 3340 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on August 10, 2015 8:43 am
The professional web services industry is plagued by an expectations issue. Every business owner wants a website or web project that is fast, cheap, and high quality, who wouldn’t? The problem is this is simply impossible. You can really only do two at best, and even that is not easy to achieve, re Read More

5 Helpful Tips to Keep Your Sanity as a Solopreneur

Avatar Posted by ShannonW under Marketing
From 3340 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on August 10, 2015 10:08 am
Like many solopreneurs, you may feel like you're always one stressful situation away from losing your mind. Don't let that happen -- check out these tips! Read More
Do you dream of doubling or tripling your business? Without a doubt, customer profiling will increase your sales. Trying to sell products without a customer profile is like poking in the dark.One of the most fundamental aspects of a strong marketing plan is developing your customer profile. Read More
Each week, Coach Pete seeks out strong players in the family business world in order to bring you real stories of real family business professionals to inspire, drive and lead you forward.
Read More
In this checklist, we list 8 cool steps that will help you think strategically about the contents you develop, curate, and market, so you can take your brand to the next level. Read More

One Word Every Small Business Needs In Sales and Marketing

Avatar Posted by SJC under Sales
From 3340 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on August 10, 2015 10:33 am
The wrong combination of what the small business offers and then delivers can leave a bad taste.
The salt-water taffy candy tasted terrible. It was safe to eat and would hurt nothing but sales. And it was my fault. Read More
July was a hot month.

And I’m not talking about the temperature our side of the globe.

It’s the WordPress community that’s been on fire for weeks in a row, as Matt Mullenweg and Chris Pearson had a “small” conflict that turned into a very controversial and popular topic among the WordPress pe Read More
Want to change your business for the better? There are some things that you need to consider. Here are some insights that may steer your business in the right direction. Read More
There has been much analysis – charts, graphs, estimates, time zone recommendations – to determine the best time to tweet on Twitter. If the ideal time is deemed noon ET in the US, what time do you think everyone’s Twitter stream will be flooded? Which just increases the likelihood that your 140-ch Read More

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