Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Starting a new business is a serious undertaking. Yet many aspiring entrepreneurs I know approach it as a fun project, get-rich quick scheme, or perhaps an expensive hobby. Others quit their day jobs and commit everything to their new passion, without regard for their own well-being, or the welfare Read More
More and more people these days are turning to one of the most popular businesses around - the business of affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing basics for beginners can be difficult to understand if you are a beginner in this specialty but to experience success, you must. Read More

The Process Of Creating Buyers Personas

Avatar Posted by michaelwesten under Strategy
From 3374 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on July 7, 2015 12:26 pm
Buyer’s persona helps you create engaging content for your potential customers, it gives you insight about the habits of various types of customers. But before start creating the content for potential customers you need to research about the buyers persona. Collect data from web analytics, your own Read More
Facebook launched a new logo, a subtle change rather than a revamp. Do you think the new logo is more “more friendlier”. Read More

Small Retailers Weighing Odds on Confederate Flag

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under News
From 3375 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on July 7, 2015 12:47 pm
Larger retailers like WalMart and Amazon have already made up their minds. Though they too condemn the senseless violence, not all small retailers are certain banning the flag is the right decision. Instead, these businesses must do their own soul searching to decide the right thing for them to do. Read More
Google has integrated tweets into search results and this massively important to your business! Find out why. Read More
Today I’m completing my in depth discussion on promoting your blog. The final two methods discussed are social bookmarking sites and content curation sites. Find out what each of these tools are and why you should use them to promote your blog. Read More
Have you heard the phrase “Consistent Activity = Consistent Income”?

It’s fairly simple yet has far reaching implications …

Let’s ask the question, consistent at what?

Does consistently making customer service calls equal consistent income?

Does consistently working your business equal Read More
While most people have far more positive’s than negative’s when comparing their work at home life versus their previous traditional jobs, there are still those moments when life seemed so much easier on the outside. Many people face new obstacles that they are challenged with that could be helped w Read More

3 Simple Ways for Small Businesses to Win on Pinterest

Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From 3375 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on July 6, 2015 12:05 pm
When navigating online, you’ve probably seen that many of your competitors are using Pinterest to promote their business. So, you decided to also give it a try. After you’ve opened your Pinterest profile; optimized it with a great photo, concise bio and your website link; you then upgraded it to a Read More

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