Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As retailers, we try to do all we can to ensure that our customers have a great experience with our brand, site and products. Read More
Our survey results showed overwhelmingly how critical web sites are to prospects as they evaluate whether or not to use your services or buy your product. Read More
There are several steps to a successful IPO, the first of which is actually making the decision to go public. Once the decision is made, your company must thoroughly prepare. The next step is executing the IPO. And finally, the now-public company must continue to grow, to evolve, and to succeed. Read More
Social proof is an important part of how you market your business. You need social proof indicators in the form of likes, plusses, favorites, thumbs up, and comments. Your customers look for these buying signals to know that they are not the first to take the plunge by doing business with you. Read More
Online Marketing Software is the hub of any business from WAHM’s (Work At Home Mom’s) and crafters to large corporations. There are just too many social networks and online marketing avenues for man (or woman) to manage alone. To establish your presence across the multitude of networks it is import Read More
With the high demand for infographics, the same bad practices often pop up. But there is a way to make infographics better. Here are a few do's and don'ts by VerticalMeasure to help you accentuate that amazing content and better understand what makes a great infographic work so well. Read More

#TYBtop10: Popular Growth Experts On Tweak Your Biz

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Management
From 3625 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on October 27, 2014 12:43 pm
“Growth” and what it means is a fundamental for business and business people. “Personal, business, innovation, market, customer, value, profit” can either be preceded, or followed by “growing” or “growth”. We’re lucky at Tweak Your Biz to have so many insightful contributors ready to write about th Read More
One company I really love is LeadPages.

They really are doing everything right, it seems.

Not only do they have a product that everyone loves (and many simply can’t live without), but they market the hell out of it.

As a result, they went from zero to 25k paying customers in less than 2 ye Read More
Why do some things catch our attention? Do you remember the last time you decided to buy a car? Once you decided what kind of car you wanted, all of a sudden, you started seeing more of that kind of car on the streets. Were they there before but you just didn't notice them? What is it that grabs an Read More
Equity = Assets – Liabilities
You can evaluate marketing in a similar way… part of marketing is generating revenue while the rest of it is either breaking even or worse, a liability. The question is how to invest in marketing that creates revenue and becomes an asset rather than a liability.
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