Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Two years ago, we published a two-part post on social media marketing safety with Internet marketer, curator, cancer survivor, entrepreneur and Friend of, Marty Smith.

Since we last interviewed Marty, he has left his position as Director of Marketing for Atlantic Business Technologies a Read More
The following will give you an insight of the best practices on how you can effectively use social media groups for your business. Read More
Although nothing can compete with having a compelling product or service that’s a true game-changer, there are certain marketing tactics that can make a distinctive difference for entrepreneurs. Search engine optimization (SEO) is equally important for startups as well as established firms. Read More
Here are they key differences between paid, owned and earned media to help you to understand how each can feed into your digital marketing strategy. Read More
You’ve captivated a potential shopper. They’ve browsed your entire collection - their shopping cart is full of items.

Just one final step to complete the purchase…But then, BOOM. They’re gone. You’ve just been slapped in the face by shopping cart abandonment.

Hurts, doesn’t it? Well, it may s Read More
U.S. technology giants have constructed international offices in Dublin in order to take advantage of favorable tax policies that are now changing. But Ireland might have enough other draws to keep them there even when costs climb. Read More
With the popularity of content marketing, everyone is talking about ways to connect with and provide value to your customers.

Yet most people are still using direct mail for advertising…and nothing else. Read More
If you’re aspiring to be a blogger but don’t know how to start with, this post will provide you with necessary tools to create a blog. Read More

Perfect Timing For Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Avatar Posted by cparmele under Marketing
From 3624 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on October 28, 2014 12:40 pm
You know that old adage “Timing is everything”? Well, that especially true when it comes to marketing. Marketers are constantly trying to pin down that perfect sweet spot for launching marketing campaigns. Read More
The customers that your business serves may be enough to keep your business open, but avoiding becoming overly reliant on a small group of regulars is something that small business owners should be actively aware of lest they suddenly lose a major source of their income. Read More

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