Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When reviewing the hard things you need to do to be successful, keep in mind that the word "hard" has a bit of ambiguity. Does hard mean difficult to understand, or does it mean difficult to sustain? Read More
We help you avoid the guesswork in identifying the important elements and parts that make up a successful PPC marketing campaign. Read More
There are a number of factors that will impact a digital promotions conversion rate. Big Data can help to increase those conversion rates. Read More

What NOT To Do While Starting Your Own Business

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Startups
From 3744 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on June 29, 2014 2:41 pm
By Vic

Starting your own business can be extremely exhausting. In the initial days, you have to wear multiple hats, from being the owner, to technician, manager, customer care and sales rep. Given the level of work and effort it takes to be successful, one needs to be careful of what they do and Read More
I got talking to a friend of mine today… He loves fishing and goes regularly. Anyway, he was telling me the other day he had spent 3 hours fishing from a pier, Read More
In this #TYBCommunity round up we include posts about interactive content, deeper digital interactions, sophisticated social marketing, guest posting, crowdfunding, good leaders and more. Read More
Wheel of Fortune is a super-popular game show in the US. Pat Sajak, the host, is very recognizable. He's just become the spokesman-and partner, of a new franchise concept that's trying to take on Groupon. However... Read More
Facebook is the number 1 social media site, businesses have taken advantage of its popularity and have used it as a advertising platform. In this article are outlined tips on how to properly create a Facebook ad campaign. Read More
Cloud computing is making it possible for businesses to implement software and technology services in a variety of ways. These solutions can be accessed via a network instead of being fixed to specific physical servers. The general three types of cloud systems are public, private and hybrid clouds. Read More
Cloud computing is rapidly transforming business processes both domestically and in international emerging markets. Information technology is projected to be based more than 50 percent in the cloud within the next few years and it may be an ideal environment for many developing markets. This shift Read More

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