Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Have you written a brilliant article, created a killer presentation, delivered an awesome webinar, wrote an industry-changing research report, crafted a brain-exploding ebook…? Don't stop there! Reach more people by broadcasting your brilliance online. Read More
MyHigh.St is looking to tackle a problem faced by retailers across the globe, although their main focus is currently in the United Kingdom. The company’s primary goal is to provide solutions and service that targets challenges faced by autonomous retailers trading online. Read More

Fee-Free Crowdfunding: Too Good to Be True?

Avatar Posted by sjekic under Raising Capital
From 3765 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on June 8, 2014 7:43 pm
An interesting development has now added a third option. Touted as “crowd-gifting,” this model wholeheartedly embraces fee-free crowdfunding, promising 100% of contributions to filmmakers, authors, and activists. To find such a model, swing by, a rewards-based portal striving to “lower [the Read More
Canva is a cool tool that actually does make designing social media images or posters easy. I've been waiting for this! Read More
Every startup with any traction quickly reaches a point where they need to hire employees to grow the business. Unfortunately, this always happens when pressures are the highest, and business processes are ill-defined. At this point you need superstars and versatile future executives, yet your in-h Read More
Research your audience and time your posts for that specific demographic to generate maximum traffic to your website. Check out the infographic. Read More
Although memes have really taken off in the past decade, they have actually been around for centuries. A meme is a visual concept, idea, or behavior that spreads throughout the internet. They are most often pictures or videos, but can also be a link, hashtag, or even a word or phrase. There are man Read More
Do you want to be able to start raking in some really good sales? You can do that by finding the goods that sell fast. In this article, you'll learn three of the best selling goods at this time. You may even be able to cash on it too. Read More
Whether it’s sharing details of a task with screen-sharing, or checking in with a face-to-face meeting, here are two great tools that will help you seamlessly communicate and collaborate better with your assistant, without requiring any registration. Read More
Engineering for Kids can help child educators more easily manage the paperwork and compliance issues that can cause headaches. With a flexible & inclusive approach to STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) programs, the franchise is changing the school scene. Read More

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