Maestro68 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Our buyers exist and survive in a big world, the world of commerce. Sellers who sell to help buyers win in their entire commerce system go further, and drive more sales and dependent relationships with those buyers. Read More

How To Get Started on Google Plus

Avatar Posted by sarahsantacroce under Online Marketing
From 3732 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on July 19, 2014 9:41 am
Why should you be there and how to get started on Google Plus: Find answers and lots of resources in this post Read More
You often hear about the Dos and Donts of writing social media updates. This chart sums it up perfectly. It shows what elements you need to include in your post when submitting content to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+. Read More
It's the one problem every business owner dreams of having: managing growth. Make no mistake, it is a challenge and getting it wrong can be costly. Here are a few growth strategy tips to help you expand the right way. Read More
Hello Cendrine,
I wanted to send a quick note to thank you for mentioning our company on your blog.
Much appreciated,
XXXX Read More
There are so many articles on using social media for your business that it’s easy to go into information-overload. This post is an attempt to offer up the best of the best in terms of social media research and best practices; be sure to bookmark it for the next time [...] Read More
Does your business website really need a Terms and Conditions page? It is not required, but definitely useful! Nellie Akalp, CEO of, shared more details in this post on the Freshbooks blog. Read More
Running a business is not always what we think it ought to be. It's not always fun, and there's a lot of work we have to do that we don't like doing. What do you do about that? Read More
Looking for sellers? You may want to create real estate seller leads with Facebook ads.

“Facebook has made it clear that to reach anyone who has “liked” you on its platform, you’ll have to pay for Facebook ads.” Read More
The cloud has the capacity to support multiple functions at a time, which translates to a more efficient distribution of resources among many users. This means that we can accomplish more with less energy consumption, reduced office computing costs, and lower carbon emissions. If utilized correctly Read More

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