Maestro68 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

With the expansion of the cloud, mobile devices have become powerful business tools in domestic and international markets. Mobile devices that are properly implemented can serve as versatile end-user tools as the cloud has made it possible for complex business programs to be accessed from smartphon Read More
You have a blog.

But, you don’t have a thriving base of readers (yet).

You want to accelerate growth and get more readers.

The big question is how?

I’ve been there, frantically trying to figure out how to get more readers and grow my blog to the point that I want it to be.

I felt the Read More
Yesterday I spent an insightful evening at the London Evening Standard Business Connections summer event where the main speaker was Rob Forkan, who along with his brother Paul started their footwear brand Gandys after an incredible personal journey that involved the tragic loss of their parents in Read More
Yesterday I spent an insightful evening at the London Evening Standard Business Connections summer event where the main speaker was Rob Forkan, who along with his brother Paul started their footwear brand Gandys after an incredible personal journey that involved the tragic loss of their parents in Read More
During the lifetime of a company, you may find it can be beneficial to invite another shareholder into the company. You may want to create another share without transferring any existing shares. In effect you are creating a new share of the company. Read More

3 Tips for Naming Your Business in the Modern, Mobile World

Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Startups
From 3733 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on July 17, 2014 11:27 am
Before you spend hours agonizing over what to call your company, consider these three tips.

While there are numerous great resources to help you develop an effective company or product name, here are three tips to consider before you even get started.

Read More

Why Should I Write a Book as an Entrepreneur? [podcast]

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Self-Development
From 3734 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on July 17, 2014 1:22 pm
In this podcast, I am trying to answer the questions on why I am writing a book on my favorite beverage, tea, and how this process has something to do with building my personal brand as an entrepreneur. Read More
I will provide tips to remember when using your social media and how to use social media to get ahead, impress recruiters and stay out of trouble with the boss. Read More
We've all been told to never judge a book by its cover, but sometimes that's necessary to make sure you don't take on problem clients. Read More

How The Cloud Is Saving SMBs Time and Money

Avatar Posted by mmangen under Marketing
From 3734 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on July 15, 2014 8:49 am
Cloud technology means big savings for small to midsize businesses. Increased productivity, greater efficiency, better collaboration and cost savings are just the start. Read More

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