Mariajoe voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Great Wall Of Google - A Short Essay On Communication

Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Strategy
From 5490 days ago
Made Hot by: Peri on July 16, 2009 2:40 pm
China started building its Great Wall in the 5th century to keep out its enemies. In the 21st century, the unwelcome party being kept out by the great wall Google has built around their company is you, the local business owner. Read More
Want to start a blog for your small business, but not sure what to write about? The best posts are like personal notes to your customer. Here's a starter list of topics to get you going. Read More

Predicting a 'Modest' Recovery Soon

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Finance
From 5490 days ago
Made Hot by: neshthompson on July 19, 2009 3:06 pm
The most positive thing to be said of recessions is that they eventually end. As bad as the Great Depression and other downturns were — and for as long as they lasted— the country ultimately emerged stronger, and grew more prosperous after each one. This has led some to wonder if a recovery from today's recession is on its way. We are not out of t Read More
There are only a few channels I actually subscribe to on YouTube. I would even say that I would call myself a rather active viewer of the site, checking out several videos a day. Though there are plenty of opportunities for brands to utilize the services that YouTube provides, the videos that get the most exposure are the ones from individuals. Her Read More

233 Million Hours Spent on Facebook in April

Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Social Media
From 5492 days ago
Made Hot by: q4sales on July 14, 2009 4:16 pm
Nielsen recently reported that there was an average of 233 million hours spent on Facebook in the month of April. 233 Million HOURS! Let me repeat that.. Americans are spending 233 million hours a month on Facebook. That is unbelieveable. Read More
Small business startup funding can be an issue for several reasons, according to Janet Attard at It can take money both to start your business and to replace your income when you leave your job to pursue your new venture full time. Here are 10 suggestions, some that you may not have considered, for funding of your small busine Read More

Keep your small business simple

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Success Stories
From 5492 days ago
Made Hot by: VijayGES on July 14, 2009 4:09 pm
Entrepreneur and consultant Becky McCray talks about keeping your small business simple in her latest post at the Small Biz Survival blog. Becky tells the story of Con Pekrul and his father Hart who run Plain View Winery, in Lahoma, Oklahoma. They have succeeded in keeping costs down triumphing in their business against all odds by avoiding expens Read More

Tips on Promoting a Facebook Page

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Online Marketing
From 5492 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on July 14, 2009 12:28 am
Aside from individuals creating personal profiles and engaging in the Facebook community, business users can also create a Page for their business. Read More
Twitter is really awesome. You might want to check out this stunning stats and study it and make it the most of it. Read More
Speaking to the American Medical Association in Chicago, Obama insists the status quo cannot be sustained: 'Reform is not a luxury, it is a necessity.' President Obama today called the cost of healthcare a "ticking time bomb" that threatens to slow the nation's economic recovery as he pushed a massive reform plan during an appearance in Chi Read More

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