Mariajoe voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Take one major global recession. Add slashed and gutted media and marketing budgets. Pour in a generous dose of traditional marketers groping for clients in a digital world. Finally, add social media marketing, for which both the cost and barrier-to-entry is near zero. Blend gently and presto -- social media carpetbaggers, in all flavors and colors Read More
But with rewards come risks. Reaching out to millions of consumers who thrive online around the clock requires an investment, a different type of thinking and some courage, says Petouhoff. She spent six months on a just-released report on monetization of social-media tools at 20 companies, including Lenovo and Intuit. Many companies — reflecting Read More

SCORE: How to finance a startup business

Avatar Posted by arthurbland under Finance
From 5470 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on August 4, 2009 8:19 pm
I want to start a new auto repair business. I have some savings but will need a business line of credit to tide me over until I can generate enough revenue to pay the bills and provide a steady income for my family. What are my options? A: Steven, if what's standing between you and starting your own business is a lack of money there are a number Read More

Online marketing discovers social media

Avatar Posted by andynew under Social Media
From 5471 days ago
Made Hot by: on August 3, 2009 3:11 pm
A RECENT SURVEY by comScore revealed that social media are fast becoming a frequent pastime for many consumers. The study revealed that 1.1 billion people went online in May. Three quarters of the web surfers visited social media websites like Facebook. Read More

Incorporating Social Media into Disaster Communications

Avatar Posted by aliciatrinidad under Social Media
From 5471 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on August 3, 2009 3:11 pm
Report recommends ways for an organization to use social media in a crisis Emergency management organizations must get ahead of the rising tide of social media and incorporate it into their risk communications strategies, advised a roundtable of experts in a recent report. Read More
Social Media offers many businesses and organizations a unique platform to promote their cause. But as we have seen with a bunch of campaigns recently some companies are choosing to abuse their twitter profile and social media presence with spammy twitter marketing campaigns. Read More

Understanding Social Media Communities

Avatar Posted by aliciatrinidad under Social Media
From 5471 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on August 3, 2009 4:50 pm
Social communities, whether they're online or offline, have interesting dynamics. To make any kind of headway, you must understand and respect how each individual community functions before charging in and saying, "Hey, can I join the party, too?" Several factors can affect whether you're accepted into the community, or left on the outside loo Read More

Ten Tips for a New Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Startups
From 5471 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on August 3, 2009 3:09 pm
Consider these ten tips for a new small business from Yahoo! Small Business. Notice that among the important considerations is that you start your business on a shoestring and try to save as much money as possible before getting started. The idea here is that you will avoid large amounts of outside investment and credit that will make it take long Read More
A blog about a recent trip to Ghana from "Entrepreneurs at ASU" (Arizona State University) raises the question of whether social entrepreneurship is the next small business trend. Sponsored by GlobalResolve at ASU, an initiative aimed at bringing economic development and other tools to the developing world, the trip looked at many factors connec Read More

How to find government small business grants

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Raising Capital
From 5471 days ago
Made Hot by: toasteroven on August 4, 2009 11:31 am
Certified public accountant Amber Hill suggests some thoughts about how to find government small business grants. In this video, Hill suggests some of the Websites and resources for the small business person seeking grant funding as well as the information and paperwork that needs to be assembled before applying. From personal experience, hunting Read More

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