Mikehartman1 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

15 Cool Promotional Gifts for Under $10

15 Cool Promotional Gifts for Under $10  - http://frugalentrepreneur.com Avatar Posted by Adam_Gottlieb under Marketing
From http://frugalentrepreneur.com 4069 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on May 20, 2013 9:53 am
The best promotional gifts don’t have to break the bank, and you also don’t have to settle for the typical corporate swag, like custom key chains, pens, mugs, and t-shirts. To give you a taste of the possibilities, here are 15 cool promotional gift ideas for under 10 bucks. Read More

Publishing And Promoting Your Ebook

Publishing And Promoting Your Ebook - http://tweakyourbiz.com Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Online Marketing
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 4069 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on May 20, 2013 10:56 am
By Derbhile Graham

You’ve worked hard on your ebook. Now it’s time for you to break the final frontier and show your work to the world. After all, it would be a shame if all the hard work you put in went to waste. It has never been so easy to publish and it has never been so easy to find the rig Read More
Have you failed? Had robust feedback from clients? Did your heart break? This post shares my take on rejection and why it's actually very good for you. Read More
The demand for great web content never goes away. Here are 4 great ways to come up with tasty treats for the Web Content Bear! Read More
Google held their developers conference this week and during the keynote address, some amazing new features and developments were announced, specifically improvements to Google+ and Google Search. Read More
Customer service has always been reactionary, meaning someone has to wake up and answer website email requests. That’s just not savvy enough to hold today’s fickle, less loyal, and ready to jump customer. Great startups are getting ahead of the game with “anticipatory customer service,” like provid Read More

5 Important Business Skills for Entrepreneurs

5 Important Business Skills for Entrepreneurs  - http://www.noobpreneur.com Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Self-Development
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 4070 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on May 22, 2013 10:56 am
There are five particular skills that any entrepreneur should hone if they want to compete in a crowded market. Read More
This is a phenomenal story of Chobani Yogurt and shows that the first step, no matter how small, is crucial to success. Just do it! Read More

Why business owners should continue to take risks

Why business owners should continue to take risks  - http://www.enmast.com Avatar Posted by ingebridget under Management
From http://www.enmast.com 4070 days ago
Made Hot by: adrianoarwin on May 15, 2013 11:31 pm
Business owners tend to be risk takers until their business grows and then they play it safe. But playing it safe isn't what got them to where they are. Read More

How to Lead and Engage Your Workforce

How to Lead and Engage Your Workforce - http://www.womaninleadership.com Avatar Posted by stacieawalker under Management
From http://www.womaninleadership.com 4070 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on May 23, 2013 7:09 pm
There are nine key strategies to employee engagement for maximizing your employees’ commitment, effort, dependability and loyalty to you as a leader and to the overall success of your business. Today's post will reveal how to lead and engage your workforce. Read More

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