Mssux voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As Credence Clearwater Revival once sang, “I see the bad moon arising. I see trouble on the way.” Though we’re always pretty optimistic about the power of small business and entrepreneurship here at Small Business Trends and still feel strongly that it will be small business leaders and not Washington politicians and bureaucrat who pull the nation out of the current economic doldrums, the fact is that some reports suggest serious missteps on the part of those Washington leaders may make this more of a challenge than it needs to be Read More
The tax rules for small businesses are based on your net business profits. If you know how to maximize your business deductions, you can lower the taxable profit and keep more money in your pocket at tax time Read More
After blogging for a few years now about ecommerce, I've found that everyone is always looking for the easy way out. Today I dispel the myths of dropshipping. Dropshipping isn't as easy and straightforward as you think. Running a dropshipped online store can be a logistical nightmare. Read on to find out why Read More
Here are some quick thoughts on John Warrillow's book Built to Sell. Specifically, Steps 1 to 4 cause some real heart-burn for entrepreneurs. But if they can get past that, they will really increase their opportunities for a successful exit Read More

10 Tips For Marketing With Social Media

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From 5236 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on June 8, 2010 3:15 pm
Just like produce at your favorite supermarket or farmer’s market, content and information introducing you and your expertise to members of your social media community, whether BizSugar or any other, must be tantalizing enough to make visitors want to return again and again and of sufficient quality to inspire trust on the part of potential clients and customers about the quality you offer.
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Many of you use or have heard about mobile check-in applications such as Foursuqare or Gowalla. Besides the fun activities, how would you make this service work to your advantage Read More

Cutting the Dead Wood: Effective Ways to Edit Your Content

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 5236 days ago
Made Hot by: PeaceNLove on June 9, 2010 4:31 pm
Editing your content is a little like gardening. In business, as in gardening, we gather a lot of dead wood which we’re too busy or preoccupied to cut it away. Read More

Too Many Ideas and Not Enough Action

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 5236 days ago
Made Hot by: Portfolio33 on June 8, 2010 5:12 pm
One of the best things about having your own business is that you do not have a boss telling you that your idea isn’t any good. You have the freedom to come up with all these ideas, but do you take action? As there are no shortages of ideas coming at you, how do you sort through them and take action on the ones that apply? I think it comes down to a couple of questions:

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Great news, your boss has selected you to create and manage the company’s new social media initiatives. Now like many marketers currently experiencing a similar situation, you probably immediately thought “why me?” and then quickly thereafter “how do I get started?” First off, it is important to note that social media is not synonymous with Twitter or Facebook. According to Duct Tape Marketing, social media is the use of technology combined with social interaction to create or co-create value. Second, similar to any other marketing campaign, you must start by defining your target audience and then setting specific objectives that can be measured. Read More
Advanced email marketing (email marketing 2.0) means tailoring the message to your prospect and not sending information to them they can't use or don't want Read More

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