Peteyb voted on the following stories on BizSugar

20-50% of all purchases are influenced by word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM). Unfortunately, few companies have strategies to get the most value from WOMM. Here's a terrific look at what WOMM is and proven strategies that can help marketers and businesses to increase growth and profits. Read More
The ability to ground your decisions in facts, not speculation, is one of the most powerful traits of great leaders and in turn, helps companies to become more successful. Here's a good look at the most common types of leadership and management bias and proven ways to overcome bias in the workplace Read More
Messenger bots may be the best-kept secret in digital marketing today. Some experts say that Facebook marketing chatbots are the number 1 growth marketing channel for the next 5 to 10 years. Here is is a comprehensive guide to Facebook Messenger Marketing using chatbots. Read More
Using hashtags effectively for business marketing means doing more than just plugging them into your tweets on Twitter or posts on Instagram, Facebook or another social network. Here’s what you need to know to use hashtag marketing better as part of your overall small business marketing strategy. Read More
Whether you’re rebranding a store you launched a few years ago or are starting a new store, read on to learn about ways you can transform your Etsy store into an attractive and memorable experience for your prospective customers, and increase sales.

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Here's a deep look at how you can take advantage of the anchoring effect to price your company’s products or services, negotiate more effectively, market better, and make better business decisions.

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Science has shown that we have cognitive biases and can be persuaded to take specific actions. Here's a good look at how you can leverage these biases in your marketing to boost website sales and improve the user experience for your customers and prospects. Read More
Here's a good look at how popular brands are using Stories (Instagram, Snapchat) and the best practices and tips to help you get started with Stories for your own brand and business.

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You may call it paying it forward, quid pro quo, or just returning the favor, but science has a word that describes this trait: reciprocity. You can use reciprocity to market better and to grow your small business faster. Here's how... Read More
It’s in every marketer’s and business owner’s best interest to learn how to effectively manage customer expectations. Here's a great look at 13 ways that you can better manage your customers’ expectations, create loyal brand followers, and grow your business faster than ever.

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