Peteyb voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We’ve all heard the old cliche – less is more. But, is it really true? When it comes to web design, the answer is yes. Taking the time to streamline your website will create a better user experience and serve your business better. Read More
Like it or not, your business is losing customers. It’s time that you take a close look at WHY your business is losing customers… And, what you can do to fix it. Here are 6 common reasons why customers leave small businesses … and 12 tips you can use to start turning the tide.

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The global beauty market is predicted to grow from $432.7 billion in 2016 to $750 billion by 2024. Here are 6 proven branding and marketing tips to help your beauty business reach and connect with customers.

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Your fashion business, like every business, needs a strong visual brand and a professionally designed logo, a website, social media assets and more. Read on to learn six important reasons why your fashion design business needs good design – and the most import design priorities for your business.
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Did you know that 76% of small business owners have reported facing marketing challenges? Here are 28 small business marketing facts that may surprise you… and change that way you approach marketing for your small business. Read More
Here's a good look at how you can pick the right fonts for your business to capture people’s attention and to convert that attention into sales. Read More
If you want your business to succeed, you need to market it. But marketing requires time, money and resources. Here are the 5 biggest marketing challenges faced by small businesses… and proven tips for overcoming them. Read More
It’s difficult to get a new business off the ground. Staying real, and separating fact from fiction can help entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of starting a new business. To help you separate fact from fiction, here’s a look at 8 big startup myths (at the truth behind them). Read More
Every business has some angry, emotional or difficult customers. While talking down an angry, frustrated customer will never be easy, there are proven techniques that make the process more effective, and less frustrating. Here's a good look at 8 of them.

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In the 1990s, grocery stores carried around 7,000 different products. Today, they carry up to 50,000. If you want to make your products stand out among the 50,000 others lining the shelves, check out our 6 proven tips for great food packaging.

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