Peteyb voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If your social media marketing isn’t living up to expectations what can you do? Consider these 7 proven ways that will help you rise above the social media noise and better engage your audience on social networks.

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If your business is like most small businesses, your website is outdated, and not helping you to increase revenues and sales. Even worse, your website might be completely disconnected from the brand you’ve been building. Here are 7 key reasons why you should consider redesigning your website. Read More
It’s not enough to market on different platforms. True success lies in integrating your marketing strategies across platforms. Here are 7 strategies that will help you bridge the gap between your online and offline marketing efforts.

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Have you ever wondered what separates those who just get by from those who are truly successful? Here's a good look at tips and strategies to help you integrate daily routines into your life to help you become more successful.

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Most small businesses and young startups can’t afford to hire marketers. We’ve collected some of the essential marketing tools and services that can help you improve your marketing and grow your company’s revenues, even if you know little about marketing.

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Consumers value authenticity and seek out brands striving to make a genuine connection. Here's a close look at three businesses who do a great job telling their brand story through product packaging. Read More
Your company’s logo is the visual figurehead of your brand. It’s important to get it right. Here's a deep look at the psychology of logo design and how fonts, shapes, lines, colors, and composition can affect how a logo can influence purchasing decisions.

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Influencer marketing, if done right, can help your startup or small business grow your audience, improve sales, and expand brand awareness through social media. Here's how to do influencer marketing right.
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Why and How to Rename Your Business - crowdspring Blog

Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 2272 days ago
Made Hot by: pinkllama on July 20, 2018 5:08 pm
A strong business name identifies your business, tells your customers and prospects something meaningful about your brand, and helps to differentiate your business from your competition. Here are 4 reasons to consider renaming your business… and 7 tips to help you pull it off successfully.

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Every day, another app or service is unleashed on the world that claims to increase your productivity, corral your to-dos, or assassinate your procrastination. But rest easy, because we’ve collected 12 of the latest and greatest productivity products here for you to check out.

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