Peteyb voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A logo is the visual centerpiece of a company’s brand identity. A well-designed logo will help boost awareness and can improve your marketing and bottom line. A poorly designed logo, or one that has outgrown your brand, can tarnish your brand. Here are 17 logo design trends and styles in 2019.

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Every aspect of your eCommerce business, from your company’s logo design to your web site’s appearance to your marketing brochures to the user experience must be smartly designed. Here are six strategies for growing your eCommerce business with strong, smart design. Read More

Food Packaging Design Tips and Why Product Packaging Is Important

Food Packaging Design Tips and Why Product Packaging Is Important - Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 2053 days ago
Made Hot by: chrisd on November 15, 2018 2:59 pm
We all have days when we want a delicious dinner delivered right to our door. But, poor packaging design decisions can ruin the experience. Let’s take a closer look at why food packaging is important and how you can improve your own packaging to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

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Silicon Valley has dominated the U.S. startup ecosystem for many decades. But this is becoming less true every day. Here's a good look at some of the best U.S. cities (outside of Silicon Valley and the East Coast), to build your startup.

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The holiday season poses a great financial opportunity for any business that plans appropriately. As a small business, you probably don’t have a huge budget. But there's plenty you can do. So, jump-start your small business’s holiday marketing strategy with these holiday marketing suggestions.

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If you run an e-commerce business or depend on leads to generate revenue from your website, the forms on your site will make or break your business. Here's a good look at how your small business or startup can optimize lead generations forms to significantly improve conversions and increase sales. Read More
If your small business brand isn’t healthy, neither is your business. This isn’t an issue you can afford to ignore. Here are 6 important questions you should ask to make sure your business brand is on the right track.

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Companies evolve and often, must evolve their brand and branding. We’ve seen this recently with rebrands by Dunkin’ Donuts, Weight Watchers, Uber, Unilever, and many more companies. Here's a good look at why companies rebrand, and what you should know to successfully rebrand your business. Read More
People make buying decisions that are motivated by their desire to avoid a loss. Savvy marketers know this. Here’s what you need to know about loss aversion and 10 proven loss aversion marketing tactics that can help amplify your marketing efforts. Read More
What does emotion have to do with creating loyal, enthusiastic customers? Everything. Here's a close look at what makes emotional marketing so powerful and how you can use emotional marketing to connect with more prospective customers, create more loyal customers, and increase sales.

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