Previsomedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Last summer we published a popular post about three content strategy practices that will make you a better content marketer. Over the past several months, we have talked about these topics as well as several others in more depth. Read More
Entrepreneurship is more of a journey than a state of mind or self-actualization.

Every successful entrepreneur holds certain traits ranging from Bill Gates down to the Oil moguls of UAE.

This article outlines and explains the 9c’s every entrepreneur needs to succeed. Read More
The grind. We've all been taught since birth that the grind is what gets us ahead in life. But, if we're not happy, we all need to take a step back now and again and reassess if all that "grinding" we're doing is actually fulfilling us in any appreciable way. Read More
Technology and the connected workplace are contributing to all of us taking the stress of the office home with us. How to deal with workplace stress? Read More
Fact: Employees need to feel appreciated. The following are five ways that you can show your employees that your small business cares about them. Read More
Setting up a business is difficult, but also exciting and fascinating.
To stick to a certain professional level and stand out, you need to think carefully about your startup’s logo. Many reckon that this is not of the utmost importance. Of course, you should focus on the improvement of product or Read More
One of the things that will make running your online business much easier is hiring a company to take all of your customer service calls for you. Read More
Your business could be burning out because you are not unleashing the most important resource: Creativity. Here is how to use it to your advantage. Read More
It’s no secret that gaining new customers by way of referral is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow a business. Not only is it cheaper to acquire new customers this way than through advertising or other methods, but referred customers also tend to be a better fit for your style of doing bus Read More

7 apps to help your business grow on Facebook

7 apps to help your business grow on Facebook - Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Social Media
From 2968 days ago
Made Hot by: atishranjan on May 22, 2016 1:06 pm
With over 1.6 billion monthly active users, there is no doubt that Facebook is the place to be when it comes to looking for platforms to scale your growing business. But how can you leverage this dominant social media channel to make the most of your impressive business efforts?

Here’s a list of Read More

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