Previsomedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Snapchat is THE way to go if you are targeting the young peeps as the potential consumers and clients of your business. How to use it in the right way? Read More

10 Digital Marketing Lessons from Super Bowl 50’s Ad Winners

10 Digital Marketing Lessons from Super Bowl 50’s Ad Winners - Avatar Posted by jdquey under Direct Marketing
From 3058 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on February 19, 2016 11:31 am
Most of the time, TV advertisements are a minor annoyance that we do our very best to avoid. But once a year, the tables turn.

When the Super Bowl hits our screens, the humble TV commercial becomes a must-watch, and for good reason.

With more than 100 million viewers for brands to broadcast t Read More
Seven laws that real estate agents should follow to guarantee that they will earn more gross commission income, sales, listings and appointments. Read More
Want to influence more people through videos? Try vlogging. Here is 10 steps all business vloggers need to take to get into the video social-sphere. Read More
Failing to offer disabled access could not only damage your reputation as an employer, you could also lose out on the opportunity to employ great people. Read More

10 Answers That Make Your Startup Plan Investable

10 Answers That Make Your Startup Plan Investable - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3062 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on February 16, 2016 6:07 am
Entrepreneurs who are looking to attract investors need to develop and pitch a plan -- preferably written -- that answers every potential investor question about your startup before it is asked. You may be quick on your feet with answers, but if investors have to ask any of these questions, you rai Read More
Off-page SEO has been through a dynamic period in the last few years. Here is the top 10 list of off-page SEO factors for your business website. Read More
Lies, including those in business, are parts of our life. Here is a smarter way to spot a liar: Using linguistic analysis. Read More
We have a great opportunity to converse with Debra Chen, the Founder of Vanity + Trade, about her online magazine and vision for women in business. Read More
Did you ever wonder why some entrepreneurs always seem to have all the luck and success, while others never seem to catch a break? As an angel investor, I quickly learned that luck has very little to do with it, and I now look for some personal characteristics and leadership styles that separate th Read More

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