Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you want to make a name for yourself and your blog, you’re going to need to be in front of your ideal audience consistently. I mean blog daily. Here is how... Read More
Establish yourself with the basics and carefully plan out your campaigns with the 4 pillars of a Strategic Digital Marketing Campaign. Read More

How to Write a Corporate Brochure They Wont Forget

Avatar Posted by clickfire under Marketing
From 3491 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on February 24, 2015 4:55 pm
Brochures are a dime-a-dozen. People pick them up and people throw them away. This is the story of a brochure that people actually hang onto, and the lessons you can learn creating your next corporate brochure. Read More
With a variety of analytics tools out there, digital marketers can really measure their efforts in a tangible way—understanding effective practices, metrics and audience behaviors. If you aren’t currently using analytics tools to your advantage, it’s time to get in the loop on the type of informati Read More

Great Entrepreneurs Sell Solutions, Not Technology

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3491 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on February 22, 2015 12:53 pm
Even though I love technology, I always cringe when an entrepreneur starts his investor pitch to me by touting his new technology. They have forgotten that new technologies are perceived by most customers as causing more pain than the problems they eliminate. I chastise these startups to highlight Read More
Coming from a standard educational and university system, I was conditioned to be an employee from an early age. Unfortunately in Ireland in the early 90s, there were not many opportunities for new graduates. So after working in an office job for a couple of years, I met my (now) husband, and we we Read More
BuddyPress plugin brings in the community features to WordPress. However, you will need to use a BuddyPress theme because all WordPress themes are not compatible with BuddyPress. Read More
Geeks and hipsters: mortal enemies locked in an eternal struggle over irony versus earnestness. But, how different are they? Geeks are obsessive and their love is genuine. Geeks love their franchises not because of how ironically fashionable they are but because of the subjective impression they le Read More
Yes, anybody can develop leadership qualities. Whether you are junior employee in a company or CEO of a large company, leadership qualities are almost similar in every personality. In ancient times, it was considered that leadership qualities are God gifted but today it has been proved that leaders Read More
Do you sometimes struggle to come up with new & interesting social media content for your audience? Here are 15 foolproof ways to get the job done fast. Read More

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