Ramkumarapp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

One of the things that causes small business to stand out from large business is their inability to buy goods and services at the same competitive prices that larger businesses can. In the past, he who purchased the most received the best prices, and as result for the most part small business owner Read More
Operating a small business is different than a larger business. There are some major obstacles that must be overcome by small business. One of those obstacles is staffing. Employees are one of the biggest expenses a small business faces. Hiring, training, and even firing are costly for all business Read More
Every business wants to reduce their operations costs.Social media is a valuable tool that when used properly can significantly reduce your business costs while increasing revenues. Read More
Online business presence is practically mandatory these days. If your business does not have an online presence, you are nonexistent to potential customers. Most businesses try to build their online presence through websites or blogs, which are great in our opinion, but are just too time consuming Read More
If you’re thinking of starting a new business, one of the options that should be considered is a franchise. There are all kinds of franchise business opportunities out there. According to the International Franchise Association there are is an estimated 8 million people who are employed in a franch Read More
When you decide to start a new business in California, it’s important that you know what is expected of you at various levels of government to ensure your business is operating as soon as possible. Read More
Jenny has outsourced her payroll operations to a payroll company but has no intention of outsourcing any of her customer service tasks even though they can be done cheaper by call center workers in the Philippines. On the other hand Jack outsources his technical division but wouldn’t ever consider Read More
To perform tasks on time, a lot of planning is needed. You have to take several factors into consideration to deliver the expected outcomes. Thanks to project management, one can perform tasks in a manner that all factors are taken as inputs and every small task can be planned, down to the smallest Read More
In some cases, you may not have a business already in mind. You may have the willingness and ability to purchase an existing business, but are unsure where to find the right company to buy. If this is the case, first analyze the types of businesses you would like to own and why. Skills, experience Read More
One of the ways to grow a business is simply to move it into another location. Physically expanding the business is a good option if the data supports such a move. In other words, you do need to research and plan such a move. Hiring an advisor to do this can be an important decision as part of your Read More

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