Ramkumarapp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The online business community is the fastest growing market in the world. The number of websites out there is more than 70 million and every day more are created. Never in our history has it been so easy for an entrepreneur to open a business and make money.
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Project management is the art and science of completing specific tasks in a specific time period. Even freelancers need to be well versed in project management to make profits. The need for skills in project management exists in all business areas. Experienced and qualified project managers are req Read More
Before deciding to buy a business, it is very important to understand its financial situation. The balance sheet for the business for the previous five years is one way to learn how well the business is running. It should show both the expenses and sales the business generates. Look at the business Read More
Once you work through the other aspects, the next step in buying a business is to make the investment happen. After reviewing the financials and the overall business organization, decide to invest or to walk away. If you invest, use an attorney to help you to legally change ownership of the propert Read More
Partnerships are like double edged knives, on one hand they can give you the much needed support to be successful in your business and on the other hand they can destroy your business if you are not careful enough. Here are a few ways to make sure that you survive a bad partnership. Read More
If you are thinking about starting a new business online, good for you! You’ve already probably read all about those guys (and gals) who have gotten rich doing what you are thinking about doing. Many of these internet gurus have income figures per month that are many times what most of us make annu Read More
Growing a business from start to success can be a long process. The business world is very fluid and constantly changing, putting new businesses at great risk of failure. This is why entrepreneurs might want to consider acquiring an existing business. Read More
As a Small Business Owner, you tend to carry your work home (if you are not already working from home). It is essential that you have access to all your data and software at office as well as at home (and sometimes even from a client location). Making multiple copies of files and transporting them Read More
Project management is an important aspect of any business. However it must be implemented effectively and efficiently. Read More
When you start a business there can be a lot of challenges. But as the days go by you’ll find your skills grow and everything won’t be so overwhelming. Many new business owners choose to work with a business partner. That way you can put the skills of two people together can lead to increased succe Read More

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