Ramkumarapp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many businesses focus on growing sales as a regular component to the actions of that business. However, in some cases, businesses get into a rut and use the same formulas over and over again to grow sales rather than stretching in new ways. If your business is growing slowly or has stopped finding Read More
If you were to hire an employee, you likely would spend time interviewing and learning about the prospective employee before you actually turn your business over to that person. You should do the same thing, if not more so, with your supplier. Here are a few things that you need to take into consid Read More
Who you hire as a supplier is up to you and the speck of what the company can provide. You can decide to work with small suppliers, especially when your needs are very specific or the options are very limited. You may choose to work with a large supplier because the product quality is high and the Read More
If you’ve decided, the time to sell your business has arrived, follow these 5 tips to ensure maximum profit. You’ll be happy you did! Read More
These can be tough times for contractors, and while generally they like to stay within their comfort zone, in this economy it’s common for contractors to expand into new geographic areas. Risks increase when you cross state lines or go to work in new jurisdictions. There are a number of factors you Read More
Competition makes the economic world go round. In fact, competition is healthy, because the fittest will survive and the rest will go by the wayside. You need to stay one-step ahead of the competition, and when you do your business will enjoy great success. Read More
Does your business have a story behind your product? Most companies do. What is yours?
Are your users/customers paying for the experience of your product/service? Read More
Reducing small business costs is something every business needs to do, no matter the type or the structure of the business. In today’s economic situation, it has become increasingly important for small businesses to find ways to reduce overall costs. This helps to boost the bottom line of the busin Read More
Perhaps your business is brand new. Perhaps you just acquired it. It may even be a business you have built from the ground up. If it does not have a brand as of right now, your business could be losing out overall. Many small businesses struggle to develop a brand because it is not something that i Read More
When you decide to buy a company and you begin to search for the perfect company you will quickly recognize to be successful you’ll need two main skill sets: Read More

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