Roseanderson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Almost every small business is looking for new markets right now. Internet marketing such as this social media campaign is especially appealing, if like most businesses right now, you're watching costs. Read More

Top 10 Twitter Tools | Girl Opinion

Top 10 Twitter Tools | Girl Opinion - Avatar Posted by girlopinion under Online Marketing
From 5504 days ago
Made Hot by: biancaaquino on June 8, 2009 4:47 pm
After sharing to you the Top 10 Twitter Tips that were drawn out from my personal experiences , I think it would be a helpful package to share Twitter Tools along with those Twitter Tips! Check out my Top 10 Twitter TOOLS! ;) Read More

Top 10 Twitter Tips

Top 10 Twitter Tips - Avatar Posted by girlopinion under Online Marketing
From 5506 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 6, 2009 4:46 pm
Okay, so I admit I'm one of those avid fans of Twitter : @girlopinion. So let me dive in to one of the most talked about social media, micro-blogging site these days — Twitter! I just wanted to add (hopefully) more value by giving you some Twitter Tips! Read More
None of these schemes being advertised are in any way associated with Google, as mentioned previously on this site. The irony of it all is not only are these ads being served through Google AdSense, that if you Google the so-called opportunity, you'll see what other people have to say about it - and it ain't pretty. The other part of the irony i Read More

What Is This Recession Here to Teach You?

What Is This Recession Here to Teach You? - Avatar Posted by roseanderson under Strategy
From 5507 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 5, 2009 6:05 am
The reports of diving revenues and continued economic downturn have many businesses rethinking any visions of growth projections. The hot phrase these days is, “flat is the new up.” And that may indeed be your most prudent short-term strategy — focus on ways that allow you to hang on and retain the business you currently enjoy rather than flitter Read More
There is a cliche that many people often share about history, and how it is written by the victors. The conquerors across the world, for the most part, are the ones who transcribed the history for others to read. We have terms like "revisionist history" to account for the fact that we realize the truth may be quite a bit grayer than those histor Read More
This post is the final part of a four-part series on credit card reform. In the three previous posts, I discussed the possible affect of the credit card reform bill that was passed by the US Senate earlier this month. The bottom line for consumers and small businesses is that this new legislation will probably not have the desired affect its suppo Read More

Layoffs: Who Stays, and Who Goes?

Layoffs: Who Stays, and Who Goes? - Avatar Posted by mariajoe under Strategy
From 5507 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 5, 2009 5:08 am
Assess what makes your company profitable, and who makes it happen. Read More

What does it take to succeed as an Entrepreneur?

What does it take to succeed as an Entrepreneur? - Avatar Posted by biancaaquino under Strategy
From 5507 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 5, 2009 5:08 am
Success in entrepreneurship, or in any field of endeavor, entails the willingness to learn, to fail, and learn from that failure. It also requires unwavering commitment to succeed. Because owning and managing your business is never easy. In this, I'd like to adhere more to what Mahatma Gandhi, India's famous non-violent political and spiritual lea Read More

The Key to Hiring the Right Employees

The Key to Hiring the Right Employees - Avatar Posted by andynew under Human Resources
From 5507 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 5, 2009 2:25 am
The best hires are those eager to become part of something greater than themselves, says Cliff Schorer. Read More

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